【瑞兔呈祥】The Weeknd - Nothing Is Lost
本帖最后由 南风知我意 于 2023-1-28 23:23 编辑https://thumbsnap.com/i/9upc9uTv.jpg?0128
音乐名称Nothing Is Lost演唱者The Weeknd
I thought I could protect you from paying for my sinsAnd I been walking this earth long enough that death's a giftOh girlBeen living this life so patientUntil I see you again it's what we're facin'I know that if I die my only choice is still defendingNo matter what they sayMy love for you is greater than their powers and their armiesFrom aboveYou give me strengthI'm with you either wayIf I die if I stay give me strengthI'm with you either wayNothing's lost no more painJust give me strengthThe scars and the woundsI wear them proud like tattoosReminds me that I lost youReminds me that I'llBe living this life so patientUntil I see you again it's what we're facin'I know that if I die my only choice is still defendingNo matter what they sayMy love for you is greater than their powers and their armiesFrom aboveYou give me strengthI'm with you either wayIf I die if I stay give me strengthI'm with you either wayNothing's lost no more painJust give me strength
https://thumbsnap.com/s/CtxVYf4f.jpg?0128 盆栽哥的这首歌确实很有振奋人心的力量 盆栽哥一直都很有水平的:lol 盆栽应该是近几年一直稳定发挥的男歌手了{:4_93:} 极具穿透力的嗓音好像季风越过重峦在山谷回响,又似飞鸟之翼载着音符翱翔在无尽的碧空,亦如游鱼般无拘的驰骋在深邃的海底~{:6_184:} 配图好看,排版好看,歌也好听~ 盆栽哥现在已经不是盆栽了,称号却保留了下来2333 挺好听的歌搭配这个图挺不错的。 《阿凡达2》还没看过,不过这个曲风确实很宏大,MV的画面也很震撼。
谢谢分享。 我看的时候都没注意听盆栽这首歌 很宏大壮阔的感觉,配上电影画面很棒惹{:6_200:} 他的Blinding Lights我超喜欢的{:4_86:} 感谢分享,虽然没看过阿凡达,但是配乐很好听 当时也是在电影院听到副歌直接升天{:6_188:}只不过阿凡达2剧情确实水,然后我在的那家该死的影院又没开暖气,导致我在观影的后半段时间一直处于昏昏欲睡的状态{:6_180:} 还没看过阿凡达2呢。印象里阿凡达1好像都是很小的时候看的了 难得看到前辈营业,第一个送上追随支持~! 歌好听,画面也精致,唯一美中不足的就是电影剧情越想越不对劲{:6_193:} 歌曲很好听:loveliness:,搭配的图也不错,不过遗憾的是没有看过阿凡达:shutup: 阿凡达一直都听人说,就是自己一直都对不上电 盆栽哥的演唱技巧一直在線呢:loveliness: