In Your Back-Keren Ann
本帖最后由 月老在此 于 2014-10-24 21:59 编辑
Keren Ann在2007年的新作,这名法国乐坛最受瞩目的民谣才女将于今年4月发行的新专辑,也是她包括《Lady&Bird》在内的第六张录音室专辑。依然延续了上一张Not Going Anywhere的风格,同样的安静,迷茫,抚慰心灵。
KerenAnn是个用法语歌唱生活的女孩,她的民谣实在“清新”,和古老的传说联系在一起,和远去的岁月里绵绵的小故事牵手,直接承载于简陋的乐器声中。然而,从第二张专辑《La Disparition》开始,KerenAnn在民谣中加入了更多爵士和布鲁斯的元素,据说是因为听了不少ChetBaker和TomWaits的原因。所以清新本身,也是很不同的,16岁,30岁,50岁,80岁,就各有不同的聆听质感,如果你是一个可爱的民谣音乐家,那就看你碰上什么了,总之,不论你怎么拨弄音符、也不论你如何制造声响,你总会营造出“清新”的。KerenAnn的首张英文专辑《Not Going Anywhere》就是这样,那和语言的变化无关,就好像瀑布会变成溪流或地下水,可水仍是水。民谣之路也是,似乎只有一条,从清新到清新。Come tell me your story to unload your glorious grief
Where you are the valet of honour and i am the thief
And don't ever mention the stains that you left on my track
How from a beautiful gril I became someone ruined and wrecked
It was all in your back
All in your back
So I spin in the dance of your absence and put on a show
But why do I smile baby, you of all people should know
The one that you loved
Died a long time ago
You can't do me wrong with charity until
You'll exhaust your lies and remedies, you will
But with your voice and melodies you kill, you kill
Your version of glory is dark and it's covered with sin
And I wanna dive in an ocean of pink tourmaline
I've seen the pure souls they exist and they fly
I think I could live with it, I know I can now
You can't do me wrong with charity until
You'll exhaust your lies and remedies, you will
But with your voices and melodies you kill, you kill
It's funny how now that I'm not in the palm of your hand
You're still running blindly to save me again and again
But i don't need a friend
No, I don't need a friend
You can't do me wrong with charity until
You'll exhaust your lies and remedies, you will
But with your voice and melodies you kill, you kill
喜欢前奏缓和懒懒的感觉{:4_107:} 我喜歡你的歌詞排版和字體 音乐很不错,很适合夜深人静的时候一个人静静的听。。。很有感觉。。。话说作为夜猫子。。。我就喜欢晚上听点东西的←_← 歌好评,有种像空灵但又不是空灵的感觉0.0