GT123 发表于 2015-3-6 00:11:47

让黑墙和Solas能被任何人推到的MOD| 更新让任何人推到库伦

本帖最后由 GT123 于 2015-3-9 12:49 编辑



用DAI MOD Manger载入,具体方法请自行搜索。


首先用mod管理器载入cullen flirt mod.daimod直到出现"We should talk"红心选项,然后移除cullen flirt mod.daimod,再载入你对应性别的另外一个即可


gugongmiri 发表于 2015-3-6 00:20:22


fk1985 发表于 2015-3-6 00:48:08


chotic 发表于 2015-3-6 00:54:58

欧我只要Cullen :$

MARKER 发表于 2015-3-6 00:57:30


bingber 发表于 2015-3-6 00:58:17


eastbear 发表于 2015-3-6 01:54:24

主角眼睛略喜感~ :D

tuzki 发表于 2015-3-6 09:26:23

@fk1985 铁牛是男女任何种族都能推的啦 (为了回复这句我不小心把你的回复删了 OTL

大脸猫公 发表于 2015-3-6 09:37:41



gedser 发表于 2015-3-6 09:42:10


jacklin2002 发表于 2015-3-6 10:19:00


icetortoise 发表于 2015-3-6 13:27:51

表情好萌(难道因为眼睛太大0 0?)

Wenchester 发表于 2015-3-6 20:30:05


GT123 发表于 2015-3-6 20:45:54


国外已经有人整理了和恋情相关的flag,对Cullen有兴趣的自己用DAI tools修改吧

"Active" Flags

When the inquisitor begins a new romance with a character, that character's "active" flag will
appear. From then on, the game will run a check for that particular flag and, if it's marked "true,"
the romance will continue.
In order to begin the romance in the first place, the inquisitor must pass a check to make sure no
other flags are active. Basically, you can use the editor to make your current romance flag/s
"false" to start a new romance, then make them all true again once the new "active" flag has popped
up. If you do so, make note of active quests that may be affected by this change, and, of course,
save, as you've never saved before!

88199CA36066744FA58A3EC2463201AF,BOOL,Romance Blackwall Active
42315BCEB5378347A0AF95DF38E501A1,BOOL,Romance Cassandra Active
6973B990557CE54295EBF3CAA3950117,BOOL,Romance Cullen Active
029BBF68EB3BFF44BA79B22841A001C0,BOOL,Romance Dorian Active
C4A99DFCE38FBE419338CAF5A5F5014E,BOOL,Romance Iron Bull Active
E46894AACDA1EC47A654DAFD9C2D011B,BOOL,Romance Josephine Active
E5F1097AC2D8654687DE2447944910A8,BOOL,Romance Sera Active
51A51646DC40B544BB181C81684601E3,BOOL,Romance Solas Active

"Culminated" Flags

These seem to mark the "zenith" of the romance quest; at this point, the quests have ended and the
Inquisitor is presumed to have won the heart of his or her true love. After the romance has
culminated, the "let's talk about us," aka the "let's-go-make-out-somewhere" hub will be available
in conversations. If the love interest is a party member, her or his tarot card will change to
reflect the permanence and importance of the romance.

2FE81F14B8ACF346A8B2E07F09D90199,BOOL,culminated blackwall
C1798522FB258641ABEE4A96E5630184,BOOL,culminated cassandra
1B8E4F8ABC524C48B290D1EE5C4301D9,BOOL,culminated cullen
FCE3D3D278AC134BA0201D6CD1AD01C5,BOOL,culminated dorian
8186B361B80F35458E6FBC19CE71019E,BOOL,culminated iron bull
61E7BB155562C74896DDA3957F0301E6,BOOL,culminated josephine
19765D48AC2D4A4BBBDD95864E3601BF,BOOL,culminated sera
0A83C9E9F51F254FADC60460D43A018C,BOOL,culminated solas

"Breakup" Flags

Some of these occur before a relationship begins, and some after, but they share the same goal,
which is to cut the player off from flirting with or romancing a specific character; they may also
cause that character to greet the Inquisitor in a stand-offish way.
What they DON'T do is change that person's
"active" romance flag, if any, to "false." Therefore, if the Inquisitor breaks up with a love
interest, he or she will be cut off, not only from a romance with that character, but from
every other romanceable character as well! If you are having trouble starting a romance,
check for these flags. There are many; I have yet to identify them all, but here's what I've got.
(you can break up without these consequences by changing the
intended person's "active" flag from "true" to "false" in the DAISaveGameEditor).

C3DF55AF21B1ED4EAAF84EB77D7F011C,BOOL,romance sera broken up
1845DCED27B19B4A924D3C52379F013A,BOOL,player"just friends" with solas after dream
28BB7461A91A4F43BCDD260D0FFF0167,BOOL,player tells josephine not serious
20FB7680891A9E418525E5A75B2201F1,BOOL,player breaks up w/solas after mythal (*prevents culmination)
2A774D4BB11AEB4FBC7BFD25955701F6,BOOLjosephine breakup
45266ABCAB073A408E715DEB42A30191,BOOL,iron bull breakup
36402231BBD84B42987CFCA0A24801C9,BOOL,dorian breakup
F46353B756D6BD42A5A9996442670192,BOOL,dorian told "don't flirt with me"
15C520D4D087134BAAA18B3E68AF0175,BOOL,cullen breakup
094D9DCFE10C3B43AF54B8BD82370108,BOOL,cullen breakup?
246226D18E9CFF469D77B2B08FED01BF,BOOL,cassandra breakup
E33F425A8CBC9F43BEDB14B9DF64013E,BOOL,cassandra breakup
AF74BAD9D84A084DA4BE74C6E4C40159,BOOL,breakup blackwall
FEE8961BF23BAC4DB77E3A177EEC0167,BOOL,breakup blackwall due to his being left in jail or the Inq's
harsh judgment

"Public/Gift" Flags

You'll see these a lot in the EBX files; many of them serve two or more functions. When a romance is
"public," it means that, if you stop to listen to the locals, in Skyhold and Val Royeaux, chances
are they will be dishing about your significant other and/or you. The "gift" flags just signify that
you have given or received a gift. For most romances, the "active" flag is also the "public" flag,
but gifts are usually distinct. In Sera's case, the success of the gift is so intrinsic to her
romance, that the "active," gift" and "public flags are all the same. Iron Bull's gift, and a
romantic scene with Blackwall (that stubbornly defies my categorization), seem to be used
interchangeably with "culmination" flags and serve similar functions. Of course, all breakups seem
to be public.

C1798522FB258641ABEE4A96E5630184,BOOL,romance cassandra public/cassandra culminated/cassandra
romantic gift
767B96437CDF7E44812B7612F46F0132,BOOL,romance blackwall public/blackwall "committed" to Inq
E41AB8C9E955854D8E999250DEB901EF,BOOL,romance sera public/sera gift/sera active
0C935A0425ACD240A1494E3C46E90142,BOOL,romance iron bull public/iron bull gift
F5ED2F26B096CD46BB7BAC97591C0132,BOOL,cullen's gift
FC0BD32858AEDA4C84166E7EFAB80108,BOOL,blackwall's gift
F70BFC1A874B044EA94F6456170D01F7,BOOL,cass gets "swords and shields" by varric
98172947AD64E74298D99F85E76101F8,BOOL,any active romance with harding on the side
E49BC8AC9549FB4E83A4EA1414F3012E,BOOL,solas removed markings
6F7FEA8C639A454885BD4B378B0C0368,INT,Harding flirted with (1-5, adjustable, shouldn't affect
other romances)
66254CDEA88EA042A089A39B7AC103C3,INT,flirt count Josephine (desired 2+, adjustable)

hwf120238422 发表于 2015-3-6 21:38:53


wyw19902006 发表于 2015-3-7 09:22:16


暗黑格林 发表于 2015-3-7 11:19:56


harry5552464 发表于 2015-3-7 17:01:34

那紅色的刺青~~~@~@ 摁~不是我菜

chuxuezhiye 发表于 2015-3-7 17:36:12

油腻的师姐在哪里= =。。。 {:6_169:}

雪域寒风 发表于 2015-3-7 19:49:27

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