【音乐推荐】Deadly Valentine——Charlotte Gainsbourg
https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV17x411G7z2/?spm_id_from=333.337.search-card.all.click&vd_source=9925f4d90d484a1e9b9ac14dad7d08ee歌曲名:Deadly Valentine
歌手:Charlotte Gainsbourg(夏洛特 甘斯布)
Deadly Valentine - Charlotte Gainsbourg (夏洛特·甘斯布)
With this ring I thee wed with all my worldly goods I thee endow
To love and to cherish according to God's holy ordinance
With this ring I thee wed with all my worldly goods I thee endow
To love and to cherish according to God's holy ordinance
You have declared your consent may the Lord fill you both with blessings
From this day forward for better for worse until death do us part
You have declared your consent may the Lord fill you both with blessings
From this day forward for better for worse until death do us part
With this ring I thee wed with all my worldly goods I thee endow
To love and to cherish according to God's holy ordinance
You have declared your consent may the Lord fill you both with blessings
From this day forward for better for worse until death do us part
To love and to cherish according to God's holy ordinance
Hey If you're making charges across my
May fully be together now
That do not speak of hereafter
With this ring I thee wed with all my worldly goods I thee endow
To love and to cherish according to God's holy ordinance
You have declared your concern may the Lord fill you both with blessings
From this day forward for better for worse until death do us part
Damn can't even remember my name
You are my own demon my own shadow
You are my little hurricane
Pictures are gently holding me
Somewhere a face that I can't find
You are my deadly valentine
With this ring I thee wed with all my worldly goods I thee endow
To love and to cherish according to God's holy ordinance
You have declared your concern may the Lord fill you both with blessings
From this day forward for better for worse until death do us part
歌曲的封面有一种诡异的感觉呢 挺好听的,有时候打激烈战斗的游戏的时候还是挺适合的~ 曲子的旋律听动人的,挺好听的歌曲。楼主的排版感觉有点乱呢。 听起来比较动感呢,歌手嗓音也很独特,感谢分享{:6_163:} 收藏了收藏了 听着听着就有一种战斗力up的感觉 感谢大佬分享
又到了听歌的时间 晚上睡觉的时候听这个会不会有嗑嗨了的感觉{:4_114:} 旋律有一点雷霆战机的味道,配乐就很让人精神了;P 感觉这首歌的的唱法比较模糊呢:$要听到唱了啥需要认真听:$ 有点像是电视剧开场的音乐,就是那种一个个人物在屏幕上闪过,介绍名字和演员的画面时会用到的音乐 节奏感很强的旋律,女声确实有点迷幻的感觉 梦幻迷离的电子音乐,挺好听的 来了~有种想在跑车里摇头晃脑的感觉欸~节奏感是真的好~
ps,歌手那一块的排版没弄好喔 还真是那个夏洛特甘斯布,她和拉斯冯提尔多次合作,有非常多的大尺度演出,唱歌风格居然这么淡和仙 看起来像是恐怖音乐,结果听起来又是另一个新世界 很不错的一首歌呢 很喜欢这首的旋律:loveliness: 音乐很棒啦,不过为什么MV都是小孩子…… 节奏感十足,听着听着就嗨起来了 歌词是有种迷幻的感觉,有时候真的有些难以听清的感觉呢{:6_197:}