Raindrops keep falling on my head-B. J. Thomas
Raindrops keep falling on my head
And just like the guy whose feet are
too big for his bed
Nothing seems to fit
Those raindrops are falling on my head
They keep falling
So I just did me some talking
to the sun
And I said I didn't like the way
he got things done sleeping on the job
Those raindrops are falling on my head
They keep falling
But there's one thing I know
The blues they send to meet me
won't defeat me
It won't be long till happiness steps up
to greet me
Raindrops keep falling on my head
But that doesn't mean
my eyes will soon be turning red
Crying is not for me
'Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain
by complaining
Because I'm free nothing's worrying me
It won't be long till happiness steps up
to greet me
Raindrops keep falling on my head
But that doesn't mean
my eyes will soon be turning red
Crying is not for me
'Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain
by complaining
Because I'm free nothing's worrying me
楼主的翻唱很有一种俏皮的感觉 好听,非常地可爱! 好活泼的声音啊,这种放松惬意的感觉好喜欢! 楼主唱得很投入惹,沉浸其中的感觉:$ 吼~有些可可爱爱的声音欸~那个唱法(哎呀,不知道怎么形容,有些沙哑白嗓的那种)好厉害欸٩( 'ω' )و 楼主英文歌翻唱的挺流利的,节奏感可以。 楼主的翻唱很特别呢,跟原曲不一样的风格,都非常有特色! 是阿甘正传!我最喜欢的电影 好多上浮的转音啊,挺不错的 这不是阿甘正传的宣传剧照嘛,油腻的唱法是指什么唱法,我觉得挺好听的~:lol:lol 翻唱的感情好充沛哦,整体都俏皮又和谐;P 来自阿甘正装的一首很经典的歌曲
楼主翻唱的很好听 感觉转音还不错,而且这个音色很适合唱英文歌,很有native speaker的感觉:loveliness: 很活泼欢快的感觉诶 楼主翻唱很棒啊 很轻松温柔的翻唱惹,有感觉被治愈{:6_200:} 不会油腻呀,轻快又活泼,听了会让人很放松( ´ ▽ ` ) 不油吧,很妖娆的唱腔呢;P 很厉害了 好轻松欢快的歌,楼主唱的好棒! 0-0 确实 有种活泼俏皮的可爱感觉呢