【龙腾九霄】7 Weeks & 3 Days BY yungatita (梦核?)
本帖最后由 Tatta 于 2024-2-16 23:21 编辑http://music.163.com/song/media/outer/url?id=1411724264.mp3
When we met, I just knewThat I already loved you, true, true
I didn't even get it why
Why you gotta stare with those eyes?
I'm right across the dance floor
Like it was just last night
I didn't even get it why
Why you gotta say goodbye?
I should have called him by his last name
It's been seven weeks and three days
I should have called him by his last name
It's been seven weeks and three days
I should have called him by his last name
It's been seven weeks and three days
I should have called him by his last name
It's been seven weeks and three days
Boy, I let you in
You didn't even have to knock
An extra key on the first day
I know the sheets by the first date
We really made something
A miracle that most won't see
But it meant a lot to me
I don't get why you had to leave
I should have called him by his last name
It's been seven weeks and three days
I should have called him by his last name
It's been seven weeks and three days
I should have called him by his last name
It's been seven weeks and three days
I should have called him by his last name
It's been seven weeks and three days
All my friends say, "Fuck you!"
But I can't even help but love you
And even though you run me out dry
I still think you're a decent guy, why?
I should have called him by his last name
It's been seven weeks and three days
I should have called him by his last name
It's been seven weeks and three days
I should have called him by his last name
It's been seven weeks and three days
I should have called him by his last name
It's been seven weeks and three days, days
这次想推荐一下yungatita的《7 Weeks & 3 Days》,听说这首歌在一些小圈子蛮火的,经常用作梦核类视频的配乐,后面单独听了一下确实有这种感觉。不过我被吸引着去找这首歌和梦核要素毫无关联,而是下图的作者 MAYGI咩唧 制作的博德三创视频(二创是电锯人meme)。
听起来挺怪的惹,但是感觉很押韵:lol 没get到梗,不过台词跟bgm配合起来还挺魔性的感觉 这个音乐听起来有点魔性呢,旋律还不错。 这首歌听着确实非常梦幻了 哥塔识的迷妹脸好笑惹{:6_188:} ;P很喜欢mv的这种简笔画风诶 有种微微的恐怖但是又很有意思 开头的咚咚声好舒服哦 吼(´×ω×`)前奏纯音乐部分有点耳熟欸~应该有在b站听到过这片段~有点飘远,做梦一样~困了困了~ 那個大叔的線條感好強 喜歡:loveliness: 这首歌的听感很有奇幻色彩 虽然没看懂视频的梗,但我选择抱走抓根宝{:6_179:} 好迷幻,但是不知道为什么,听了莫名有种心慌的感觉{:6_168:} 邪念可爱捏,歌曲的话,其实有人声的部分还不至于那么渗人,女声挺甜的。 迷幻洗脑的感觉惹,很有特点{:6_200:}
看视频有点没看明白,似乎再讲一些一见钟情的瞬间吗 比较少接触这类音乐
感觉有很浓重的迷幻的风格惹 确实很有梦核的要素惹 这首听起来好怪哦,再听一会...还是好怪哦{:6_165:} 听着好迷幻哦,有点子上头嘞owo