音乐分享 R&B/流行 ODIE-《Utopia》
迷你专辑《N.F.A. DEMOS》static/image/hrline/5.gif
出自歌手最新迷你专辑《N.F.A. DEMOS》
Living in a wasteland, running from my day job
Or was it real life?
Too scared to get up again, don't know when the buck stops
Or when to feel right
See an omen in my dreams, hope it isn't downfall
I wanna stay alive
New world coming over me, had to flip to southpaw
That's when I realized
You were lost in the moment
So damn caught in the open
But I'll reach for it back
I won't let you pass another time
Don't fall when you're broken
Out of all, I was chosen
And I'll reach it for it back
I won't let you pass another night
Only you know where to go
Only you know where to go
How many weeks gone until you keep on going?
How many nights fall until your bright side comes?
How many days lost until I won't feel lonely?
'Cause when the rain falls, that's when you realize
You've been living in a wasteland, running from your day job
Or was it real life?
Too scared to get up again, don't know when the buck stops
Or when to feel right
See an omen in your dreams, hope it isn't downfall
I wanna stay alive
New world coming over me, had to flip to southpaw
That's when you realized
You were lost in the moment
So damn caught in the open
But I'll reach for it back
I won't let you pass another time
Don't fall when you're broken
'Cause out of all, you were chosen
And I'll reach it for it back
I won't let you pass another night
旋律也很好听,前奏有点长,我差点以为是纯音乐~ 这首歌的旋律听起来好欢乐,歌手的声音也好听:loveliness: 旋律不错的曲子呢,节奏听起来特别欢乐。 对于人声的处理很有创意呢 歌手的声音挺好听的,而且整首歌的乐器搭配出的节奏感真的很不错{:6_200:} 很柔和放松的旋律惹,很适合这个下午{:6_184:} 旋律听起来很不错,听起来很放松,节奏感也不错的 真的不是纯音乐吗? 很有节奏感 忍不住抖腿 哇塞开头好迷幻的感觉:$听起来好舒服 有种迷幻的感觉啊,听着觉得很舒缓 很梦幻的音乐,我觉得我能用在某些地方~~比如一个大大的惊喜~~ 喔⊙ω⊙开头就蛮梦幻的,有种游乐场旋转木马的感觉咧~还有这人声吟唱,蛮舒服的欸 开头的这段旋律很有记忆点呢,一直在背景里重复到结尾,有种奇幻、空灵的感觉。 不错听!元素很丰富!
有点像黑人音乐的风格! 节奏听起来很欢乐,挺好听的 前奏听着就挺迷幻的欸,很有感觉呢,后面节拍出来后,也很带感的说{:6_165:} 好听哎,节奏感很棒,也很有特色 由于整体节奏起伏不大,我边听边看歌词、边听边放空,音乐突然就没了,欸?结束了?有种...我不确定我已经听了三分钟的感觉,精神时光屋系歌曲!