【苹果音乐】'Til It's Over-Anderson .Paak
本帖最后由 Qmu 于 2024-5-4 02:24 编辑1.音乐名称 'Til It's Over
2.演唱者 Anderson .Paak
We stayed up all night watching the comedy show
That aged whiskey and hydro
Good Lord, what a nice conversation
I'm too floored to get anywhere safely
You know I talk about you highly
I'm fascinated for the time being
We can laugh until the morning
Or we can dance in the hallway
Only one more night in Los Angeles
I really thought I can handle it
But the funny thing is, I was holding back tears
I didn't think this day would happen
I'd give all this up for a chance at it
You would have thought I'd be the man for this
But the funny thing is, we can never stay here
I didn't think this day could happen
I'ma ride it 'til it's over
I'ma ride it 'til it's over
I'ma ride it 'til it's over
I'ma ride it 'til it's over
I'ma ride, I'ma ride
Ride, I'ma ride it 'til it's over
I'ma ride, I'ma ride
I'ma ride, I'ma ride
And don't all this new music sound the same?
Yeah, we must be getting old and gray
We left early, girl, that band was shh anyway
We went home and left our clothes up in the living space, aye
Would you stay if your heart had the power?
Would you run and find another life to imitate?
It's important that we make the best of short time
You could never be my one and only, anyway
Say, can't a young man dream?
Can't we all live the life on a widescreen?
What's the point? Yeah
Yeah, we had fun, if only for the time being
But I'ma ride it 'til it's over
I'ma ride it 'til it's over
I'ma ride it 'til it's over
I'ma ride it 'til it's over
I'ma ride, I'ma ride
Ride, I'ma ride it 'til it's over
I'ma ride, I'ma ride
I'ma ride, I'ma ride
I'ma ride, I'ma ride
Ride, I'ma-
这首歌来自苹果广告,除了歌曲本身很带感,也有结合到MV美术场景/运镜进而迸发出如虎添翼的双重效果(所以建议各位观赏MV) 推这首歌也是因为很久前在某站刷到该视频被触动到,所以要说歌必定也离不开MV的解析——主题为Welcome Home归家,普通人在人生未达成一定代价/一定阶段付出些甚麽以获得世俗“成功”,就注定了成年前后日常要遭遇的各种折磨,劳心猝力中也急需一些精神慰藉,音乐就是很好的媒介;
自从之前在b站上刷到这个视频后,瞬间就喜欢上了这首歌,现在已经在我的收藏夹里了;P 说实话,MV本身比音乐更吸引我。开头那段真的很压抑,只有回家才是真正的放松…而且我还不是在北上广这种节奏更快更疯狂没时间去因为压抑而难受的城市。 带感,动次打次,节奏感和视频也好丝滑 MV的创意真的是太棒了,很有幻想风 逐渐放松自我的过程表现的很棒的说{:6_184:} 好带感的节奏,快速的旋律之后没入平缓:$感觉本可该去休息了,站街收摊{:6_197:} 听着很昂贵的感觉惹 听起来还是很不错的 离开广告曲的范畴也算是一首抓耳的音乐啊,不错不错
另外这个小黄豆表情我依稀记得下架过? 这首音乐挺放松的,mv也很有意思有一种放纵自我的感觉:loveliness: 曲子旋律还挺带感的,风格不错呢。 这位演员的演出真的太棒了,轻快又自在的舞蹈,搭配这首歌曲真的会让人感觉很放松~ 压抑后回到家的那一刻,真的会让人一下子放松下来,感谢分享这么好听的歌 歌还行,mv很精彩,这竟然是实景吗 原来是这首歌吗,之前这个mv幕前幕后都品鉴过很多遍,场景都是实拍喔{:6_167:} mv很有创意,完全看不出来是广告 这MV好有艺术感啊,节奏也很前卫呢 有种公司爆炸,不用上班的美 我正要发帖子解释我的头像来源,被你抢先了_(:з」∠)_