【当阿黛遇上电音混音】Daft Punk、Adele - Something About The Fire (Carlos Serrano Mix)
本帖最后由 Qmu 于 2024-5-5 19:36 编辑1.音乐名称 Something About The Fire/Set Fire To The Rain
2.演唱者 Carlos Serrano (Mix Daft Punk、Adele)
3.封面 https://webfs.tx.kugou.com/202405051911/99352ff0cf2eb8af27ac93a25f3c75bd/v2/6a367236974a22cf1302d95ee03a6ebb/KGTX/CLTX001/6a367236974a22cf1302d95ee03a6ebb.mp34.
Adele:I let it fall, my heartAnd as it fell, you rose to claim itIt was dark, and I was overUntil you kissed my lips and you saved meMy hands, they were strongBut my knees were far too weakTo stand in your armsWithout falling to your feet
But there's a side to youThat I never knew, never knewAll the things you'd sayThey were never true, never trueAnd the games you'd playYou would always win, always win
But I set fire to the rainWatched it pour as I touched your faceWell, it burned while I cried'Cause I heard it screamin' out your nameYour name
Daft Punk: It might not be the right timeI might not be the right oneBut there's something about us I want to say'Cause there's something between us anyway
Adele:When I lay with youI could stay there, close my eyesFeel you here foreverYou and me together, nothing is better
'Cause there's a side to youThat I never knew, never knewAll the things you'd sayThey were never true, never trueAnd the games you'd playYou would always win, always win
https://www.gamemale.com/static/image/hrline/line3.pngBut I set fire to the rainWatched it pour as I touched your faceWell, it burned while I cried'Cause I heard it screamin' out your nameYour name
Daft Punk: I need you more than anything in my lifeI want you more than anything in my lifeI'll miss you more than anyone in my lifeI love you more than anyone in my life
5.推荐理由劳动节(就算有放5天)也已经临近收尾,距离下一个假期,还有35日,就用这首Adele的被重新混音过的 (I) Set Fire to the rain 缓缓地结束末(了之)日罢本曲虽然作者标着原唱和蠢朋克,但实际上二者并没有合作过,实际上是欧美天后/Diva们的混音迷作者Carlos Serrano/卡洛斯塞拉诺 通过研究要混音的对象-天王级电音玩家 蠢朋克的电音和人声处理特点进而模拟出来的混音仿作曲调在模仿蠢朋克以往慢曲的放松感和延缓曲子爆发的副曲伴奏下由原先的激昂决绝变得慵懒潇洒,夹杂的贝斯调动起一种开车驰骋在夕阳下的节奏感、亦或午后饮茶望着烈日逐渐消去热度、余晖洒下水面的浪漫,本版还加入调音后模拟蠢朋克与阿呆的对唱电声,将原先的诀别之意转为悔爱漫漫--女声不满的愤懑、热烈与男声悔过的懊恼、轻柔,演绎出互相倾诉的小情侣细碎日常,颇具画面感
mv的风格真不错呢,音乐挺好听的。 这首歌听起来挺欢乐的惹,真素动感十足呀:loveliness: 合成器的音效确实很有蠢朋克的味道 轻快的女声,加上电音混音,让人不自觉摇摆起来;P 歌声还有节奏感搭配的很棒惹~~{:6_184:} 让我们丢掉烦恼,丢书包 她本身的声音就很棒,就算有电音也不会喧宾夺主 mv是星际5555的片段呢,最早了解到就是蠢朋克的Harder Better Faster Stronge{:6_194:}
混的还挺有蠢朋克的风格的 前奏听起来以为会是抒情向的:L结果一开嗓哈哈,烧开水换个背景音就充满一种俏皮的感觉 成人抒情和电音的搭配真奇妙 mv和歌都是古典但很潮诶,喜翻 刚看到标题还有点惊讶,我呆好像从来没有feat with过其他歌手:D结果是混音啊,挺好听的 混音之后立马变得想跳舞了{:6_167:} 电音的加入让整首歌曲更加有不一样的感觉了呢 喔⊙ω⊙还挺有感觉欸~mv也好合适的(看标题还以为会是rolling in the deep那种咧) 0-0 加入电音真的开始摇摆 怎么感觉看个mv都要被刀QAQ 非常灵动的音乐呢,电音还是很不错的 电音的加入让歌曲有与原版完全不同的味道 是很慵懒的爵士乐惹