【霉霉情史】So High School - Taylor Swift
本帖最后由 Qmu 于 2024-5-7 01:22 编辑后话传送【霉霉情史后话之恋爱脑自诉】I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can)-Taylor Swift
1.音乐名称 So High School2.演唱者 Taylor Swift3.封面4.有如重返高中/美妙体验
I feel so high schoolEvery time I look at youI want to find you in a crowdJust to hide from youAnd in the blink of a crinklin' eyeI'm sinkin' our fingers entwinedCheeks pink in the twinklin' lightsTell me 'bout the first time you saw meI'll drink what you think and I'm highFrom smokin' your jokes all damn nightThe brink of a wrinkle in timeBittersweet sixteen suddenlyI'm watchin' American Pie with you on a Saturday nightYour friends are around so be quietI'm tryin' to stifle my sighs'Cause I feel so high schoolEvery time I look at youBut look at youAre you gonna marry kiss or kill meKill meIt's just a game but reallyReallyI'm bettin' on all three for us twoAll threeGet my car door isn't that sweetThat sweetThen pull me to the backseatBackseatNo one's ever had me not like youHad meTruth dare spin bottlesYou know how to ball I know AristotleBrand new full throttleTouch me while your bros play Grand Theft AutoIt's true swear scouts honorYou knew what you wanted and boy you got herBrand new full throttleYou already know babeI feel like laughin'In the middle of practiceDo that impression you did of your dad againI'm hearin' voices like a madmanAnd in the blink of a crinklin' eyeI'm sinkin' our fingers entwinedCheeks pink in the twinklin' lightsTell me 'bout the first time you saw meI'll drink what you think and I'm highFrom smokin' your jokes all damn nightThe brink of a wrinkle in timeBittersweet sixteen suddenlyI'm watching American Pie with you on a Saturday nightYour friends are around so be quietI'm tryin' to stifle my sighs'Cause I feel so high schoolEvery time I look at youBut look at youTruth dare spin bottlesYou know how to ball I know AristotleBrand new full throttleTouch me while your bros play Grand Theft AutoIt's true swear scouts honorYou knew what you wanted and boy you got herBrand new full throttleYou already know babeYou already know babe5.推荐理由每日一曲太慢了之前看到泥潭潭友在推你霉的新专<苦难诗社>单曲(就憋不住了),特意抽了一首适合初阶(--指阶段、也有可能更高阶都适合)通讯录的单曲——选择本曲还有一个能体味到早期霉的音乐风味、最经典的吉他伴奏和青涩感So High School,没想到这么多年过去,不知不觉间你霉竟然也谈了快11任了(牡丹人泪目当初的算命先生怕是也汗流浃背了吧(曾经播出的综艺节目、在瓷器找的个算命先生说了"将来(30+)会膝下两子、并且婚姻幸福"--如果宠物算儿子的话、嗯、起码对一个--估计只能辩解大陆法则不同、命数不能用在洋人身上hhh
而关于本曲的评论解析,网传你霉在高中并不是像现在明星闪耀般受欢迎的人气角色,心中对于受欢迎的体育生(南桐食物链顶端?)有一种强烈的爱慕感,不能得到心中一直有缺憾; 亦或者是高中恋情不是跟体育生、而且不完美,不过关于高中的往事真假未知、不置可否;但你霉现在真的吸到仂体育生,按歌词来看只能说雀实是如愿且应景了——大意是讲吸到仂草莓熊--TK(霉粉是草莓,但新男友看起来像熊所以国内叫TK→草莓熊),让自己的心境感觉回到了高中生女生那般,让过去的自己填补上了一个空缺,而且怎么歌词里有GTA啊哈哈,看歌词写的是草莓熊跟哥们玩GTA,有点出戏ww 不过也有些离谱解析说成是两人关系飞速进展的指代--大多数GTA系列发行时间就在霉高中时期(存疑但吸到体育生了,之后呢?下一次让我们更新与本曲欢愉曲调相反的一首恋爱脑懊恼hhh给南桐作一个识人要有慧眼的警醒--除非是觉得吸到不亏、无所谓的赔钱货(MV链接:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1x142197Vg?t=0.4(球场58颗LED--58届超级碗)
楼主需要补充一下这首歌的歌词,网易云上面肯定有 楼主好像漏了封面呢,建议补一下。 高中啊,在学习和日常中就过去了。没有热热烈烈的恋爱~
听霉霉唱这首歌对比之下真的是平凡的高中生活~ 这首歌好好听,很喜欢霉霉甜甜的声音惹:loveliness: 真素羡慕惹,吸到黑皮体育生什么的:$ 在这里听完霉霉的所有歌指日可待~
体育生在我接触不到的地方,我只喜欢憨憨的普通人~ 和草莓熊在一起的霉霉重返青春了呢;P 夸奖现任和回春丹一样吗{:4_114:} so high school有霉霉以前风格的感觉,特别是前奏,听起来有些似曾相识,写高中生活歌曲也变年轻了;P 你霉和草莓熊很配~草莓熊高大威猛~显得霉霉都小鸟依人了~
这首歌当然也很好听~ 我对霉霉的了解只知道她换男友比较勤快还会为他们写歌... so high school只能说很高中惹,希望霉霉和草莓熊甜甜蜜蜜的,不知道什么时候有人推炼金{:6_185:} 到了经典Love story 环境了 原来你霉也有吸不到体育生的时候,释然了惹 霉霉的歌真的是高中的回忆了 听着很好听的说,蛮喜欢霉霉的声音的欸,这经历看着庭羡慕的惹{:6_165:} 吼~没以往那么有活力的,遗憾失落的情绪~ 好听是好听,青春也有,就是听着歌词会慢慢的变酸,阿门,高中没啥情史经历,泪目了OTZ 又是一首霉霉的歌,稀饭噜,谢谢楼主的分享。:$