【细语欢歌】Big Big World——Emilia
I 歌曲名称Big Big World
II 原唱者
III 封面
IV 歌词
I'm a big big girl
In a big big world
It's not a big big thing if you leave me
But I do do feel
that I do do will miss you much
Miss you much.
I can see the first leaf falling
It's all yellow and nice
It's so very cold outside
Like the way I'm feeling inside
I'm a big big girl
In a big big world
It's not a big big thing if you leave me
But I do do feel
that I do do will miss you much
Miss you much.
Outside it's now raining
And tears are falling from my eyes
Why did it have to happen
Why did it all have to end
I'm a big big girl
In a big big world
It's not a big big thing if you leave me
But I do do feel
that I do do will miss you much
Miss you much.
I have your arms around me warm like fire
But when I open my eyes
You're gone.
I'm a big big girl
In a big big world
It's not a big big thing if you leave me
But I do do feel
that I do do will miss you much
Miss you much.
I'm a big big girl
In a big big world
It's not a big big thing if you leave me
But I do feel that will miss you much
Miss you much.
V 翻唱链接
VI 原唱
VII 感想
由于太难听了,整个ai版的给自己找补一下,然后给大家来个记忆消除术什么的,本人翻唱的大家就当没听到过{:6_180:} 嗯?意外的很深情。感觉就素稍微娇羞放不开的亚子,(有点像家里男人想do又怕本可痔疮大出血的娇羞感厚:kiss:)其实节奏和声音都不错惹:$还有就素这个祈荒大人的头像,难道大佬你一直都素解解?:$本可还以为也素每次放出的图片那样的可以把本可捅死的daddy惹{:6_179:} :$嘻嘻,没事,声音好听捏,就当自己唱的是“I'm litttle little girl,in a little little world“版本 感觉这次活动是抓版主们出来游街示众的,看见好几个了{:6_167:}
呀呀呀,这个声音和介绍很贴,人淡如菊。但和头像不贴;P 旋律不错的英文曲子,楼主翻唱的很流畅呢。 不难听呀,很棒哟!ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ 惹(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)有点羞涩,软软的~可爱咧~没放开哇~有时会弱下去~ 挺不错的,我是完全不敢碰英文歌 非常经典的歌曲了,尽力唱了就好 哈哈是画daddy的大佬,声音很可爱捏! 唱的其实很流畅很深情地说,俺看着头像一直原以为会是一个壮汉音的欸,蛮好听的~只要再放开一点就好了{:6_169:} 上次听这个歌时我还是在中学{:4_100:} 很柔和,英文歌难度本来就高,发挥已经很出色了,要自信点 听着淡淡的这素可以说的吗{:6_169:} 很经典的英文歌,好像还是第一次听到楼主的声音,唱得还不错惹:$ 大佬两次翻唱活动的选歌都很经典,感觉这次的英文歌曲发挥也不错{:6_200:} 是以前常听的歌噜,唱出来轻柔的感觉很棒噜{:6_184:} 经典老歌了 楼主唱的很有感情呢 这首歌旋律听感好舒服惹{:6_188:}