【音乐推荐】Alternative流派 The Band CAMINO《Roses》
本帖最后由 DCBWS 于 2024-7-15 22:56 编辑https://lq-sycdn.kuwo.cn/f7396985779fb2087145ea1647beb0fc/6695385e/resource/n1/47/36/3987457171.mp3
The Band CAMINO《Roses》 https://c6.y.qq.com/base/fcgi-bin/u?__=EdYMtbotG0QA @QQ音乐
A lot's been changin' lately and I can't tell
If it's me or if it's everybody else
But I'm done wastin' my time on the woe is me bullsh-
That's keepin' me from being myself
So look around and tell me what you want me to see
Maybe you're the person that you always wanted to be
Why you wanna be a sad boy, waste your time?
Lookin' for something that was right here all along
I think we're gettin' it wrong
It's too bad
When did it get cool to be so sad?
We're spinnin' backwards, did we all go mad?
Yeah, we're only human, but we've got hands and hearts and noses
So stop and smell the -kin' roses
I said that I would never get what I want (nope)
But I was only lookin' for a reason to flaunt
Think I'm over tryna break down everything that comes out
Maybe it's impossible to know what it means
What's it like to be a loser, happiness abuser?
Smilin' at the thought of never livin' it down
Does it matter if it's uphill, downhill?
I'm lettin' it go, I'm lettin' it out
It's too bad
When did it get cool to be so sad?
We're spinnin' backwards, did we all go mad?
Yeah, we're only human, but we've got hands and hearts and noses
So stop and smell the -kin' roses
It's too bad
When did it get cool to be so sad?
We're spinnin' backwards, did we all go mad?
Yeah, we're only human, but we've got hands and hearts and noses
So stop and smell the roses
It's too bad
When did it get cool to be so sad?
We're spinnin' backwards, did we all go mad?
Yeah, we're only human, but we've got hands and hearts and noses
So stop and smell the -kin' roses
A lot's been changin' lately and I can't tell
If it's me or if it's everybody else
(So stop and smell the roses)
So look around and tell me what you want me to see
Maybe you're the person that you always wanted to be
(So stop and smell the roses)
从旋律上看,《Roses》的曲调悠扬且富有感染力,每一个音符都仿佛在诉说着一段动人的故事,展现了The Band CAMINO音乐风格的多元化。在歌词方面,这首歌更是充满了诗意与浪漫。以玫瑰为象征,歌手们通过描绘爱情的美好与坚韧,表达了对真挚感情的向往与追求。每一句歌词都深入人心,让人在聆听的过程中产生共鸣。此外,The Band CAMINO的演唱也为这首歌增色不少。他们的嗓音各具特色,却又完美地融合在一起,共同演绎出这首充满情感的歌曲。无论是高潮部分的激昂,还是副歌部分的柔情,他们都表现得淋漓尽致。
这首歌确实很有浪漫的感觉 这首歌的旋律听起来很深情和感动,喜欢这首歌这种诗意与浪漫的感觉,内心有些触动{:6_169:} 很感谢楼主的分享,另类音乐总是让人耳朵注入一股全新的气息呢。。 个人比较喜欢副歌部分呢,听起来好有感觉啊,嘻嘻,感谢分享;P 旋律很好听呢,给人一种很浪漫的感觉 不懂这些流派,好听就行{:6_167:} 没听过的歌,没听说过的流派,不过也是很好听呢 歌词听起来生活感很强,节奏也蛮不错的~
https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1iy4y1x7eT/ 我以为我播放失败了,结果突然来了一阵鼓点吓死人了Q_Q,但是MV上这几个男人好欢脱 是英文歌呀,感觉楼主你每一次推荐的歌都不是很主流啊{:6_200:} 不是很能听懂,但是听着感觉很好听惹 mv的表现力还是很棒的 是没听过的歌诶感谢分享,是一种独特的旋律诶 好好好,rose=浪漫。{:6_188:} 歌曲的感觉和封面完全不一样诶
但歌曲听起来又很甜 旋律优美动听,有种浪漫的情愫在里面。 确实不怎么了解音乐流派尤其是这种比较冷门一点的- -
不过歌是好听的 不太懂这些流派,但是歌曲很好听:lol 很好的音乐,谢谢分享{:4_86:}