【音乐推荐】Dead Boys-Sam Fender
Dead Boys演唱:Sam Fender
专辑:Dead Boys
唱片公司:Polydor Records
The anniversaries are short livedBut they come back around at a breakneck speedMy world spins so fastThe centrifugal force keep me stuck in the middleWe close our eyesLearn our painNobody ever could explainAll the dead boys in our hometownWe close our eyesLearn our painNobody ever could explainAll the dead boys in our hometownAll the dead boys in our hometownWe all tussle with the black dogSome out loud and some in silenceEverybody 'round here just drinksThat's our cultureWe close our eyesLearn our painNobody ever could explainAll the dead boys in our hometownWe close our eyesLearn our painNobody ever could explainAll the dead boys in our hometownAll the dead boys in our hometownWe close our eyesLearn our painNobody ever could explainAll the dead boys in our hometownWe close our eyesLearn our painNobody ever could explainAll the dead boys in our hometownAll the dead boys in our home townAll the dead boys in our home townAll the dead boys in our home townAll the dead boys in our home townAll the dead boys in our home townAll the dead boys in our home townAll the dead boys in our home townAll the dead boys in our home town歌曲地址推荐理由:这首歌我初次听到是在《有答案的男子》的开篇,初听时如同一场神秘的梦境,仿佛置身于一个充满迷雾和幻象的世界中。声音像是轻柔的海浪拂过耳畔,每一个旋律都像是潜入深海中的气泡,带着柔和的光芒在暗淡的水底闪烁。整首曲子就像是一段无重力的自由落体,让你感受到心灵在音符的引导下如何自由地漂浮和旋转。配着电影开篇,男主从天空坠落,画面镜头不断在男主的肢体之间切换,那股自由而又沉没的虚浮感着实带来了很大的震撼。(虽然也有后面看到男主的帅脸星宇大发的缘故来着哈哈) 迷幻的氛围,整体感觉不错 歌手的声音听起来很温柔,有一种梦幻置身其中的感觉{:6_169:} 这首歌的迷幻感非常足呢 喜欢这种迷幻类型的歌曲,每次上班开车都要听 听起来就是梦境感十足的音乐哇{:4_114:} 旋律不錯,蠻動感的~~ 这首歌蛮玄幻的,最后一张图那个男生也很帅 听着还行,男声仿佛一直萦绕在耳边,有迷幻的感觉,节奏也蛮不错的。
帖子插入视频音乐懒人工具:https://www.gamemale.com/thread-103023-1-1.html 这首歌曲真是超赞,感谢推荐! 嗓音有点机器姐的感觉 曲风还不错的歌词听起来有种过往云烟虚虚实实的感受 有种迷幻的感觉呢,挣脱束缚拥抱自由 是好听的
有答案的男子也很经典~ 好听惹,很适合晚上让本可结束站街之旅盖上湿哒哒的小被子沉入梦乡{:6_197:} 听上去非常空灵啊,配上男主的气质很舒服 听着很迷幻风格的一首个歌的说~听着确实是和男主很搭了欸~{:6_169:} 有一种奇特的迷幻感呢,好奇妙的感觉 0-0 确实有种迷蒙梦幻的感觉 就像在耳边低语一样 嗯哼( ̄∀ ̄)因为经常听泥潭某位坛友分享这类歌,所以能一听就知道类型了欸~(悄咪咪,摸喉结那段好色喔)后半段癫狂群舞也和音乐蛮配的欸