Adds "Can you teach me..." trainer dialogue to any NPC.
So as long as you've got the coin you can train any skill from any NPC.
Any NPC can train you in any skills up to 100 (only for "Can you teach me..." training).
The Training Per Level is 100 (only for "Can you teach me..." training).
The above limits only available when using the "Can you teach me..." dialogue.
Vanilla trainers still offer their standard single unedited training.
Vanilla trainers also have the "Can you teach me..." dialogue as well.
SKSE (Yes Required)
Extract contents of archive to your data directory.
Enable BeTrainer.esp with whatever and play.
Archive Contents:
Still needs more use to find the bugs.
But for me it's working ok so far in the brief I've tested of it.
May not be the same for others, time will tell.
General Notes:
Be Trainer does not edit any vanilla game quests, scripts, properties, dialogue, classes, actors or menus.
Load order should not matter and it should be compatible with any other mod (in theory anyway.
popo桑真是神速。。我刚刚看见这个。。然后去上了个厕所。。然后你就发了。。。。。。{:6_175:} {:6_188:}……向任何npc学习直到技能100么……明明npc的技能并没有到100…… {:4_114:}我想知道门口那两只鸡神能教我什么 {:4_114:}感觉这种东西往往会出现让人哭笑不得的事情。。。就好像我的SLdefeat没有开兽X。。。结果还是出现意外了。。。随从默认是人类。。但是还有巴巴斯这种异类。。于是。。。我们可以向巴巴斯学习啥技能。。。{:4_114:} :D配合那个出卖身体学习技能的mod 阿拉 不得了啊 能突破每个等级只能学5次的限制么? 跟随从学习然后再把钱拿回来
这个老套路又可以出山了 抓根宝突然发现整个天际原来我最菜……是个人都能训练我点儿什么;P 抓根宝突然发现整个天际原来我最菜……是个人都能训练我点儿什么;P 嗨,只想说有钱学变天下。 这个比较实用,每次我都不想给NPC钱;P 但是训练费很贵惹,如果能免费训练就好了{:6_169:}