【音乐推荐】【Jiafei】《Red》--Taylor Swift (ft. Jiafei, cupcaKKe)
本帖最后由 XLK 于 2024-7-10 13:10 编辑RedTaylor Swift, Jiafei, cupcaKKestatic/image/hrline/1.gif
神奇的歌词(Gulp gulp gulp) (3x)
Loving him is like driving a new Maserati down a dead-end street Faster than the wind, passionate as sin, ending so suddenly
Loving him is like trying to change your mind once you're already flying through the free fall Like the colors in autumn, so bright just before they lose it all
每次都想装作很倔强 但是见面自己却缴械投降
因为爱你我一如既往无法阻挡 地野花香
Touching him was like realizing all you ever wanted was right there in front of you Memorizing him was as easy as knowing all the words to your old favorite song
Fighting with him was like trying to solve a crossword and realizing there's no right answer Regretting him was like wishing you never found out that love could be that strong
每次都想装作很倔强 但是见面自己却缴械投降
因为爱你我一如既往无法阻挡 地野花香
(Oh yeah)
Remembering him comes in flashbacks and echoes Tell myself it's time now, gotta let go But moving on from him is impossible when I still see it all in my head In burning red
每次都想装作很倔强 但是见面自己却缴械投降
因为爱你我一如既往无法阻挡 地野花香
(Burning, it was red)
Oh, losing him was blue like I'd never known Missing him was dark gray, all alone (Woah) Forgetting him was like tryin' to know somebody you never met
(Jiafei Harmonizing)
('Cause loving him was red)
(Red, red) Yeah, yeah, red (Red, red)
(We're burning red)
(Red, red) (Red, red)
And that's why he's spinning 'round in my head (Red, red) Comes back to me, burning red (Red, red) (Red, red) Yeah, yeah (Red, red)
His love was like driving a new Maserati down a dead-end street
大家好惹,欢迎收听Jiafei电台《Red》是Taylor Swift 《Red》专辑中的同名单曲在这一个版本中请来了Jiafei进行合唱,以及cupcaKKe作为糕乐器进行伴奏她们的结合组成了这一首神奇的歌曲那么,大家更喜欢谁呢~
jiafei女士的美学尖叫真素让人耳朵都要怀孕了惹 jiafei女王秒了只能说 杯糕女士起到的是个节奏乐器的作用吗 jiafei站c是绝对正确的{:6_200:} 虽然美学尖叫秒杀一切,氮素这个调音真的有点伤害到了本可的耳朵,所以本可投你霉一票 终究还是轮到这首了:shutup: 美学尖叫真的这么洗脑嘛 美学尖叫真是招牌的标志了;P 中间那个我看成了杨幂是可以说的吗 美学尖叫那一部分听多了还挺莫名带感的哇hh{:4_99:} 没想到开头即是结尾为什么jiafei的声音一出来突然就有种曲风改变的感觉 女王是不错没有错
但还是泰勒斯女士秒了靴靴 天哪,感觉每一位都在c jiafei在什么歌曲里都可以画龙点睛! 霉霉的声音还是很有辨识度啊,不过尖叫一响起就知道是谁的主场了;P jiafei尖叫秒了啊啊啊啊啊啊,尾音超绝转音真的有点美到超过噜 妈呀一曲野花香打遍世界乐坛,jiafei秒了 当然是更喜欢霉霉了! 美学尖叫秒了我jiafei天下无敌 这究竟是谁这么有意思,发明这个流派,太带感了 一听到野花香就想到第五人格:L