【Ono's Playlist】Better Off (Alone, Pt. III) - Alan Walker, Dash Berlin & Vikkstar
本帖最后由 ONOTOU 于 2024-9-8 23:00 编辑Better Off (Alone, Pt. III) - Alan Walker, Dash Berlin & Vikkstar
Better Off (Alone, Pt. III) 是一首由 Alan Walker、Vikkstar 和 Dash Berlin 演唱的歌曲,于 2023 年 9 月 28 日发行。
爱丽丝·迪杰(Alice Deejay)的原版歌曲《更好地孤独》(Better Off Alone)于 1999 年发行。此后,这首歌在国际上大受欢迎,成为电子/Trance 音乐的经典之作。Alan Walker 和 Vikkstar 一直是这首歌的忠实歌迷,激发了他们重新制作这首经典歌曲新版本的灵感。他们联系了这首歌的原作者 Dash Berlin。他们很喜欢这首歌,Ryan Fieret(二人乐队的主唱)后来也加入了制作。
这首歌的封面是一张光盘,让人联想到 2000 年代的审美观。同时还推出了预存链接,一名获胜者有机会赢得包含特别混音的签名光盘。这首歌还在 Sidemen Charity Match 上进行了宣传。
This could be a good night, for good times and you look like a good time
We're dancing to dancing in the moonlight
Now I want you bad
Can you make me feel better
This could be a good night, for good times and you look like a good time
We're dancing to dancing in the moonlight
Now I want you bad
Can you make me feel better
Do you think you're better off alone
I think you better come along
Can you make me feel better
I think you better come along
This could be a good night, for good times and you look like a good time
We're dancing to dancing in the moonlight
Now I want you bad
Can you make me feel better
Do you think you're better off alone
I think you better come along
So if you think you're better off alone
I think you better come along
Can you make me feel better
This could be a good night, for good times and you look like a good time
We're dancing to dancing in the moonlight
Now I want you bad
Can you make me feel better
Do you think you're better off alone
I think you better come along
欢迎订阅专辑:Ono's Playlist 音乐推荐 - 淘帖-GameMale
这一首电音的节奏感非常不错 Alan Walker的电音都很带感惹{:6_169:} 这首歌的节奏感挺强的惹,旋律有一种梦幻感很好听{:6_169:} 电音的编曲都挺上头的,这首也很不错 本帖最后由 肥鱼 于 2024-9-8 16:43 编辑
时隔20多年的重置,听起来还是很有经典的味道,MV也很酷。 一般主流的电音只会觉得很吵,编曲还是很有功底的 我好像好久没听过Alan的电音了 0-0 确实很有节奏感呀~还非常丝滑 好听,感觉电音圈大家都很友好团结(?) 这首电音听着还蛮不错的{:6_200:} 节奏也很带感 楼主好像很喜欢这种节奏感很强的歌呢XD
很好听哟 Alan Walker的味道很浓,歌曲有一种使命感 喔⊙ω⊙看到教主了欸~50多秒的这段电音好听咧~风格也明显~