2297988 发表于 2024-10-21 12:21:16

【猫咪合唱团】tsweez - You All Over Me(Taylor's Version)(From The Vault) - Taylor Swift

本帖最后由 2297988 于 2024-10-21 12:23 编辑


1.音乐名称:You All Over Me(Taylor's Version)(From The Vault)
2.演唱者:Taylor Swift


Once the last drop of rain, has dried off the pavement当路面上最后的雨滴被风干
Shouldn't I find a stain but I never do可为何我未见 雨渍残留
The way the tires turn stones on old county roads你车轮驶过老村路 翻卷起石块
They leave ’em muddy underneath, reminds me of you留下泥泞 此景不禁令我再度想起你
You find graffiti on the walls旧浴室隔间墙上 有着曾经绘上的涂鸦
Of old bathroom stalls你很清楚 自己能够轻易将其抹去
You know, you can scratch it right off, it's how it used to be犹如斩断你我牵连
But like the dollar in your pocket, that's been spent and traded in犹如你兜里钱币 交易间入囊置出
You can't change where it's been, reminds me of me你难以改变其位置 正如你无法夺定我的价值

I lived, and I learned, had you经历感情 从中吸取教训
Got burned也曾因你心碎无比
Held out, and held on也曾付诸真心 为爱坚守过
God knows, too long, and wasted time唯有上帝知晓 你将我长久青春白白浪费
Lost tears, swore that I'd get out of here以泪洗面 只盼自己能够走出阴影
But no amount of freedom, gets you clean可无论我再怎么自由 也无法将你抹去
I’ve still got you all over me关于你的记忆 仍萦绕脑海 难以挥散

the best and worst day of June六月光景好坏交织
Was the one that I met you皆由你我的相遇而起
With your hands in your pockets你双手揣兜
And your "don't you wish you had me" grin面带微笑道:“难道你不想拥有我吗”
But I did, so I smiled, and I melted like a child我心被俘获 天真微笑着 就这样被他所感化
Now every breath of air I breathe reminds me of then如今丝缕气息 令我回首过往

And I lived, and I learned, had you历经感情 吸取教训 终面临结局
Got burned因你心碎
Held out, held on也曾付出真心 为爱坚守
God knows, too long, and wasted time唯有上帝知道 你将我长久青春白白浪费Lost tears, swore that I'd get out of here无尽泪水 只盼自己能够走出阴影
But no amount of freedom gets you clean我再怎么自由 也无法将你抹去
I’ve still got you all over me你仍然萦绕脑海

I lived, and I learned, and found out what it was to turn around历经感情 吸取教训 终面临结局
And see that we were never really meant to be其实我们本就无缘无分
So I lied, and I cried, and I watched a part of myself die我为此撒过谎 竭力争取过 心痛过
'Cause no amount of freedom, gets you clean我再怎么自由 也无法将你抹去
I’ve still got you all over me你仍然萦绕脑海
I’ve still got you all over me难以挥散
I’ve still got you all over me我难以将你忘怀

作为Fearless TV中的遗珠,这首歌在未发行前就已被许多霉粉所青睐。



凯诺斯 发表于 2024-10-21 12:34:12


娱乐法师火布偶 发表于 2024-10-21 12:47:06


毛茸茸兽兽 发表于 2024-10-21 13:28:28


1017186309 发表于 2024-10-21 16:31:50


cdcai 发表于 2024-10-21 20:30:36


黑达克 发表于 2024-10-22 00:03:03


大河内太 发表于 2024-10-24 17:30:10


折木 发表于 2024-10-24 17:38:59

楼主的声音很低沉 翻唱的蛮好听惹(´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)

2302594 发表于 2024-10-25 06:48:21


Sam30 发表于 2024-10-25 13:21:05

你霉在這樣的情感演繹上的確是很厲害的了, 翻唱出來的感覺也是很到位的說, 只能摸摸了:loveliness:

zhuovboyan 发表于 2024-10-27 05:33:38

QAQ 楼主的低沉嗓音尽显暗藏的情感呀 有点引起共鸣的感觉

Empurple 发表于 3 小时前

不得不说歌本身给人很深情的感觉呢, 唱出来的感觉也是很棒的哦:loveliness:
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