本帖最后由 vander 于 2024-11-8 21:40 编辑我回来啦~这一年变故不少,开局踌躇满志,却在两个offer里选了个烂人,抑郁了大半年。不论如何,目前情况稍稍安定,准备赴美开始下一份工作。然而好死不死川普马上要二进宫了哈哈哈呜(;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)
今天向大家推荐一部鸡汤短片“I'm 57. If you're in your 20's please watch this.”首先声明我并不了解创作者的背景;据称@marktilbury是一位百万级的富商,近年主要在网络媒体上活动,向年轻人群介绍理财策略。
Our experience can probably help you avoid many mistakes if you take the time to listen. However, if you disagree with something I say, you don't have to follow my advice.
00:00 Intro
00:09 1. Work on your willpower
00:40 2. Producer VS Consumer
00:54 3. Be nice to people on the come up
01:19 4. Watch others & then do the opposite
01:59 5. Who you know matters more than what you know
02:10 6. Never talk behind someone's back
02:28 7. Make more mistakes
02:59 8. Make reversible decisions quickly
03:22 9. Focus on one thing at a time
03:36 10. Don’t be the best, be the only
04:00 11. If you don’t like something then change it.
04:31 12. Work smart not hard
05:52 13: Assume you can learn something new from everyone
06:22 14. Never disrespect your elders
06:44 15. Don’t be scared of change, embrace it.
07:18 16. Live in the moment, not on your phone
07:46 17. Always pay the bill
08:02 18. Say no if you aren’t ready
08:20 19. Present yourself in the way you wish to be perceived
08:41 20. Mentally prepare yourself for your loved ones dying
09:04 21. Never take rejection personally
09:18 22. Don’t be embarrassed to take a nap
09:40 23. Learn from those who disagree with you
09:56 24. Never be late
10:10 25. Be motivated by something greater than money
10:38 26. Be fuelled by vision not fear
10:48 27. Stand up to bullies
11:13 28. Use your unfair advantages
11:39 29. Skip the flashy car
12:00 30. Prioritise your reputation
12:17 31. Don't compare yourself to your friends
12:36 32. Don’t let a bad day turn into a bad week
12:55 33. Always Pay off your credit card
13:12 34. Any job is better than no job
13:36 35. Never invest without doing your research
13:56 36. Being a great storyteller can get you anything you want
14:21 37. Don’t live your life for others
14:42 38. Have a solid paycheck routine
15:21 39. It's not the end of the world if you don't have everything figured out
15:52 40. Start investing now
16:14 41. The quality of your questions will shape your future success.
16:56 42. Make sure to enjoy the journey, not just focus on the destination
17:39 43. Nothing is ever free
18:20 44. Stop waiting to be inspired
18:44 45. Work hard now for an easier life later
19:33 46. Tackle the tough tasks in the morning
20:15 47. The name of a university means absolutely nothing
20:35 48. Look after your back.
21:14 49. Don’t stress about being different—you don’t have to fit in
21:58 50. Choose your partner wisely.
这50条建议好像做到的不多惹{:6_169:} 谈心类的节目压力大的时候看完压力会不会更大(x) 不知道这个博主自己能做到多少条惹 鸡汤喝太多了已经腻了,去思考社交什么的实在是有些费心费脑,不过感谢楼主分享啦,对于某些人来说应该还是很有用的 他真的才57吗,感觉看起来很老,
不过道理确实还挺实在的,就看听不听得下去了。 这也不算教条吧,不过是每一代人都会犯的错误 其实不只是讨论……跟背后议论的人凑一起都会被怀疑……因为被人没闲心判断真相。。。 简单的道理,真正贯彻却不容易 不敢看鸡汤视频只会更焦虑吧 在视频网站刷到过这类年老者给予经验的视频 能学习刀很多 感觉有些是人生经验也可以听一听呢 其实,就是换了个外国人给你鸡汤,你要真关注这方面的内容;很多年前中文版都说烂了 嘛(´×ω×`)大道理有许多的,更多还是看别人听不听的,一般配上相应的故事更能让人接受的~ 听起来像是大家都懂的东西,能不能做到就另说了 类似于“无人在意做好自己”、”自己无意识说做可能对别人留下不可磨灭的记忆“这类吧,总的来说还是优先提升自己身边事物也会跟着慢慢好起来捏 鸡汤在初中就喝够了,开心最重要 过好自己的生活不影响别人就行 对他人的忠诚与在意某种程度上就是对自己的背叛 被签名栏里面的支付方式弄得目不转睛 有些东西不在正确的时候了解,永远也不知其意~