本帖最后由 liu_chris 于 2024-12-24 23:43 编辑文章标签:纯英文 肉 各种XP 短篇合集;
Despite arriving home past 1am, as instructed I laundered the nylon socks I'd worn that day having walked home in just my shoes. In the morning I carefully pressed and folded them to look as new as possible, wrapped them in plain paper ready to present to Keith. A wave of kink excitement and warmth shot through my whole body. I dressed smartly as I would always for work. Suits were not required so I wore blue trousers, white shirt and tie with a black sweater. And as directed black cotton socks topped off with my tan leather shoes. It didn't occur to me at the time that Keith was starting to control another aspect of my life - what I wore.
Having moved office meant I could walk to work which I didn't mind at all. At reception I was met by HR and escorted up to floor 5, my new work home. The usual formality of going through personal details before a 10am meet and greet with the team. Despite the formal start, the office seemed less formal than with James. People seemed friendly and welcoming.
In the office kitchen a new colleague made me a coffee, "apparently you're quite the up and coming star" he said. "Sorry?" I was shocked, "yeah, Keith had been raving about you joining for weeks now, ever since conference. I really liked your presentation on that by the way". It seems this 'opportunity' had been planned for much longer than I was told, the manipulation excited me. I tried not to smile too obviously. "Any tips would be great to help me settle in" I said. "We're a friendly bunch, as for Keith...." " yes" in interrupted a bit too eagerly "......do your job well and he'll reward you. He runs a tight ship, he's very firm but fair. I wouldn't want to cross him mind". I listened intently, "right, gets angry does he?" phishing for a hint of how he is at the office. "Just do your job Tom, you'll be fine. And like I said, looks like you're already in there. And as his personal lackey, sorry assistant you need that. We're all at his beck and call, but you will be pandering to his every whim I'm sure". We both laughed, I already am I thought.
"Keith is running late , but he said to wait in his office, it's the last door on the left". I walked down , knocked just in case and entered. The office was everything I suppose I expected. Minimal, sleek, tidy. I could almost smell the masculinity of it. Huge desk with a view across the city. Internal windows which I noted allowed an outward view only.;
确实挺硬核的惹,没学好英语的话看不懂摘要内容{:6_169:} 英语学渣,悲(´×ω×`)幸好有屏幕翻译的……机翻效果是真的差咧……挠头ing这种形式的也不知道要不要和谐一些词哇~ 感觉看的如果不是母语皇文珍素毫无冲动惹 使用英文翻译工具翻译出来的效果还是不太如意,有很多语句都让人摸不着头脑 惹,下载下来了,话说汉化的话需要向谁找授权呢,万一我哪天缺金币到极点可能就只能翻译短篇然后来文学区站街惹 {:5_119:}没有英语功底怕是吃不下这么多文呢:'( 太硬核了,看不懂。 太硬盒(?)了這個,
https://img.gamemale.com/album/202408/03/102112ik2vn2tvglvg4m8w.gif 感觉比当年的6级还要难一点{:6_167:}还好有翻译器 额,英语不好,机翻又看着很难受{:4_109:} 不怕,有gpt助战,无所畏惧 上学期间还有心气去啃长篇大段的英文刘备,现在啃fvn生肉都要我半条命,还是算了() 太硬核了哥,天天看论文还不算完还要来这里学英语是吧,我哭哭惹:'( 英文也不是看不懂,但有时候有生僻字要停下查一查,中文更熟悉感觉更色色{:6_165:} 太好了,妈妈再也不用担心我学英语啦 看不懂思密达,这时候就得感谢谷歌翻译了 我嘞个豆,学渣看这类是会选择机翻一下了 感觉一看这种东西我就不用语法只要懂单词意思就大概能看懂了哈哈 太硬核了,只能靠谷歌翻译了