Joke男 发表于 2013-12-3 23:07:25

We're Waiting—大桥トリオ

本帖最后由 Joke男 于 2013-12-3 23:12 编辑

We're Waiting
Now I'm not gonna try and pretendThat I'm your only heroIt doesn't matter if it never comes back to meWhen I can be with you.
Nothing gets startedBefore the stormThere is nothingWithout a little pain at the start
Now I might never try and makeAmends with a million peopleNo more hiding till I can't understand and I'mGoing down no more.
And nothingCan weather beneath the stormThere is somethingWaiting...
Like imaginary peopleWaiting for a callingI see you and I thinkIts the step I cannot...cannot ever seem to seeAll the think that'll last in the fireSteal a love with a lieSteal a love that breathsShe's screaming at the top of a mountain godI'm still gonna love you.
Now I'm not gonna try and denyThat you are making me crazyThere's a little bit of sadness in your eye, and..I can't take it no more
There's nothingThat keeps me above the stormAnd we're somethingwaiting...
Like imaginary peopleWaiting for a callingI see you and I thinkIts the step I cannot...cannot ever seem to seeAll the think that'll last in the fireSteal a love with a lieSteal a love that breathsShe's screaming at the top of a mountain godI'm still gonna love you.
And nothingCan weather beneath the stormThere is somethingWaiting...
Like imaginary peopleWaiting for a callingI see you and I thinkIts the step I cannot...cannot ever seem to seeAll the think that'll last in the fireSteal a love with a lieSteal a love that breathsShe's screaming at the top of a mountain godI'm still gonna love you.

很有味道的日本男歌手 风格应该是爵士= =? 【我乱猜的】感觉我推荐的都很冷门啊。。。不过都是我自己很喜欢的。。反正听他的歌有种很舒服的感觉就对了!我英语烂的惨不忍睹 但就是爱听英文歌。。所以大多听不懂歌词光听调调= =不过喜欢的歌我肯定会去百度歌词 歌手 歌的创作背景 等等。。其实这几首都很推荐。。最一开始听的是他翻唱的I'm Yours 当时一听就喜欢上这个歌手了,1769411231,3532526,1769209232,_235_346_FF8719_494949_1/multiPlayer.swf

Joke男 发表于 2013-12-3 23:14:57

另外个人觉得第一张图片好像金城武。。= =
应该是年轻时候的 现在已经是大叔一枚了

fk1985 发表于 2013-12-3 23:30:35


寂静的蝉鸣 发表于 2013-12-4 00:03:01


DesmondC 发表于 2013-12-4 00:32:21

日腔英语 其实蛮好听的
不过叔比较偏爱韩腔英文 (极度另类) 哈哈

2811158780 发表于 2023-9-22 19:25:11

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