【凛冬之雪】Relax, Take It Easy——Mika
本帖最后由 南风知我意 于 2021-10-10 00:15 编辑音乐名称 Relax, Take It Easy演唱者 Mika网易云:Relax, Take It Easyhttps://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ey4y1x7kL?share_source=copy_web
歌词Took a ride搭着火车to the end of the line where走到防线的最底端No one over goes那个没有人去过的Ended up地方on a broken train with nobody I know站在这个充满陌生人的火车上But the pain但是伤痛and the longings the same where the dying和渴望依然如此 在这个垂死的地方Now I`m lost and I`m screaming for help现在我迷失了方向,渴望帮助Relax' take it easy放轻松,别紧张For there is nothing that we can do因为我们现在无能为力Relax' take it easy放轻松,别紧张Blame it on me or blame that on you.归咎于我或者归咎于你
It`s as if I`m scared好像我也感觉到很恐惧It`s as if I`m terrified好像我也受到了惊吓It`s as if I`m scared好像我也感到很恐惧It`s as if I`m playing with fire好像我在玩火Scared恐惧It`s as if I`m terrified好像我也受到了惊吓Are you scared?你害怕吗?Are we playing with fire?我们真的在玩火吗?Relax放轻松There is an answer to the darkest times在这最黑暗的时刻,这里有一个答案It`s clear很显然,我们也许不明白we don`t understand but the last thing on my mind凡是这是在我心中最后的事Is to leave you就是离开你I believe that we`re in this together我相信 我们还会相聚Don`t scream不要尖叫There are so many roads left这路依旧有很多路Relax' take it easy放轻松,别紧张For there is nothing that we can do因为我们现在无能为力Relax' take it easy放轻松,别紧张Blame it on me or blame that on you.归咎于我或者归咎于你Relax' take it easy放轻松,别紧张For there is nothing that we can do因为我们现在无能为力Relax' take it easy放轻松,别紧张Blame it on me or blame that on you.归咎于我或者归咎于你
Relax' take it easy放轻松,别紧张For there is nothing that we can do因为我们现在无能为力Relax' take it easy放轻松,别紧张Blame it on me or blame that on you.归咎于我或者归咎于你Relax' take it easy放轻松,别紧张For there is nothing that we can do因为我们现在无能为力Relax' take it easy放轻松,别紧张Blame it on me or blame that on you.归咎于我或者归咎于你It`s as if I`m scared好像我也感觉到很恐惧It`s as if I`m terrified好像我也受到了惊吓It`s as if I`m scared好像我也感到很恐惧It`s as if I`m playing with fire好像我在玩火Relax放轻松,别紧张It`s as if I`m terrified好像我也受到了惊吓Are you scared?你感到恐惧吗?Are we playing with fire?我们在玩火吗?Relax(Ah.............)放轻松Relax(Ah.............)放轻松
而且我没想到这是首零几年的歌,看很多人说是童年回忆~;P {:5_126:}打开音乐然后双脚不自觉随之抖动了起来2333太棒啦 {:6_167:}这首歌之前在我的电音歌单里循环了好久,特别动感 确实是首老歌了,那时候喜欢欧美流行这首怎么都错不过,而且还是流行舞曲,夜店之王必选科目 4楼说是首老歌,特地认真又回去听了一遍
嗯,确定是我没听过的老歌 友军,这前奏已让我停不下来~接着嗓音转入,配合这个旋律~~ take it easy应该是我最早接触到的几个英语短语,这首歌欢快的节奏,让人不经意间就放轻松。 蛮不错的 好听诶红红火火恍恍惚惚
好经典!抖腿神曲+蒸汽波,何止是双倍的快乐! 听完表明节奏确实洗脑,但这么强的节奏完全不放松{:4_101:} 哈哈哈,被洗脑了,不知道抖音会不会发现这样的宝藏歌曲 就感觉好熟悉,原来是这首歌,以前经常能听到,歌名get{:4_101:} 輕快的節奏真的蠻洗腦的,蠻能放鬆和帶動心情的 我听半天也没听出男女 感觉还差点意思 没让我有加入歌单的冲动 这首歌好像撞车了唉;P
不过话说回来音乐推荐帖撞车也无妨吧,可以让更多人听到也不错啊 MV好花@@
但謝謝分享 太经典了,之前天天循环,relax和take it easy两句假声太洗脑了{:6_185:} 哇哦,看标题还以为是那个创造营的米卡,点进来看才知道是首老歌。话说听到一半被那个假音给惊讶到了ww 有种很ㄎㄧㄤ的感觉:D 但是身体不自觉跟着音乐动起来了,还挺洗脑的 很动感啊,不过看歌词有点黄呢{:4_91:}