求个 corruption of superheroes的完整版
论坛有个同名游戏帖 不过是个demo版,跪求一个完整版(作者好像和geeks vs superhero和lightening blue是同一个)这游戏好像没做完吧? 这个游戏完结了吗?好像没吧 还没完结啦,再等等作者更新吧 还没完结啦,再等等,再等等.jpg;P;P 心急吃不了热豆腐惹 那游戏还听色的,但是没有更新那么快啦 这个游戏作者 好几个游戏都在慢慢更新过程中的啊 而且都是像素风格的 感觉都还不错的{:6_179:} 应该还没完结嗷 我也等这游戏嗷~{:6_169:} 不急不急,今天也是等待完结的一天 等不到了,作者之前已经说canceled掉了,并和同画师在做新的游戏。
“Previously I had announced this game named Corruption of superheroes that was supposed an english translation of a chinese furry superhero novel.
I've decided to cancel it because I wasn't satisfied at all on how the game was going to be. The production i've been on for months and It was going nowhere because I kept being undecided and not motivated for it. That's why I decided to cancel the project for a brand new one with the author.
The new story and setting is VERY exciting and I cannot wait to show more of it.
For the time being here is the complete script of what the game was supposed to be.
And yes we already had the entire script for the game ready with its bad ends...
Sometime it's just better to cancel than keep walking in pain for nothing at the end.” 好像还在更,不知道GM上面有没有搬运的 从21年12月出了个Demo,22年1月发布取消,到现在没有任何提到他的消息,看来已经凉了{:4_92:}
或者找同类型同画风的~ 没玩过这个游戏欸,等hx区开了看看有没有人发,到时候应该完结了吧 这个游戏凉了,好可惜 等了这么久这游戏还没有动静啊 看了11楼大佬的发言,这游戏已经咕了,不用等完整版了...{:4_114:} 过一年都没答案,估计游戏凉了{:6_190:} 有人知道一開始的 水晶密碼嗎?感謝