The Predatory Wasp of the Palisades Is Out to Get Us! - Sufjan Stevens
本帖最后由 Norme 于 2022-6-21 14:16 编辑The Predatory Wasp of the Palisades Is Out to Get Us!
- Sufjan StevensThinking outrageously I write in cursive
I hide in my bed with the lights on the floor
Wearing three layers of coats and leg warmers
I see my own breath on the face of the door
Oh I am not quite sleeping
Oh I am fast in bed
There on the wall in the bedroom creeping
I see a wasp with her wings outstretched
North of Savanna we swim in the Palisades
I come out wearing my brother's red hat
There on his shoulder my best friend is bit seven times
He runs washing his face in his hands
Oh how I meant to tease him
Oh how I meant no harm
Touching his back with my hand I kiss him
I see the wasp on the length of my arm
Oh great sights upon this state hallelu
Wonders bright and rivers lake hallelu
Trail of Tears and Horseshoe Lake hallelu
Trusting things beyond mistake hallelu
We were in love we were in love
Palisades Palisades
I can wait I can wait
Lamb of God we sound the horn
To us your ghost is born
I can't explain the state that I'm in
The state of my heart he was my best friend
Into the car from the backseat
Oh admiration in falling asleep
All of my powers day after day
I can tell you we swaggered and swayed
Deep in the tower the prairies below
I can tell you the telling gets old
Terrible sting and terrible storm
I can tell you the day we were born
My friend is gone he ran away
I can tell you I love him each day
Though we have sparred wrestled and raged
I can tell you I love him each day
Terrible sting and terrible storm
I can tell you
我觉得人和歌之间其实也是有相互影响的一个过程的,当你开心时,你想去听一首欢快的歌。同样一首欢快的歌也能让你感到开心。我为自己创建了一个“我最喜欢的十首歌”歌单,每次心情或者状态有变化,我就会替换歌单里的某些歌,可舒肤佳老师的这首The Predatory Wasp of the Palisades Is Out to Get Us!我从来没舍得替换掉。这首歌让我相信歌曲讲出的故事并不比书籍或者影视差。不管我开心还是难过,听着这首歌,舒肤佳老师总是能把我带入他的少年时期,让我忘记自己的情绪,沉浸在他绘出的世界里。
Sufjan是个吟游诗人,总是揣着各种各样的故事,然后以他自己的方式讲出来。一个抱着班卓琴的男孩,让我在他的歌声中爱上了伊利诺斯州。我爱极了在歌曲中讲故事,我想在这方面,the predatory wasp of the Palisades is out to get us! 应该是除了打雷how to disappear 外我最喜欢的歌了。
谢谢楼主分享动听的音乐~楼主记得查看该板块规定,按照格式发帖子哦。方便的话补一下MV 没想到居然还有推这首歌!
还有一首UFO我也特别爱 {:6_200:}
感谢分享 希望其他人也喜欢上这首 挺好听的歌的,感谢分享! 看了推荐去听了下好治愈的声音 本帖最后由 凯登 于 2022-6-22 12:14 编辑
救命舒肤佳,回不去了 感谢安利! 心情不好的时候可以听听这首歌 舒肤佳老师欸,一开始从他的death with dignity入坑,后来知道call me by your name里的插曲 mystery of love 和 visions of gideon也是他唱的,就觉得这个男人真有才华。另外,他真的好帅啊,流口水了。 0-0 舒肤佳老师厉害惹 回不去了+1 居然看到了我舒肤佳老师的歌,楼主还是尽快找到最爱的歌哦,万一哪天穿进怪奇物语里...
哈哈哈哈哈6楼第1p没唱啊喂,第2p才唱了 帅哥唱歌好听,我还有什么不满足的 聽起來感覺好舒服的歌曲
感覺是很適合在篝火旁慢慢低唱的好歌 老歌了,主唱声音听的让人怀孕, 这张专辑循环听也超级棒的,我画画的时候喜欢开着当背景音 相当放松呢{:6_195:} 聽起來還不錯,歌曲搭配歌聲很好聽 这歌曲封面的谐音梗哈哈哈哈哈 确实好听,能够缓解心情,谢谢分享