Who Are You, Really? - Mikky Ekko
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Who Are You, Really?
Mikky EkkoMIKKY EKKO,原名为约翰·斯蒂芬·萨斯德,1984年12月出生于美国纳什维尔,美国歌手、词曲作者和音乐制作人
你感觉自己被束缚控制So you're feeling tied up to a sense of control你开始自己拿主意And make decisions that you think are your own
这里对你是陌生的,你为何而来?You are a stranger here, why have you come?
你为何而来,举高我,让我远眺太阳Why have you come, lift me higher, let me look at the sun
目光聚焦太阳,我能清楚地听到他们说Look at the sun and once I hear them clearly, say
你,到底是谁?Who, who are you really?
你要去何方?And where-ere are you going?
我不需要证明什么I've got nothing left to prove
因为我一无所有Cause I've got nothing left to lose
因为你我张牙舞爪See me bare my teeth for you
你,到底是谁?Who, who are you?Eee,Eee,EeeEeee, Eeee, Eeee
你说你已经走出了过去,你说你很孤单Now you're moving on and you say you're alone
可我怀疑你心里还绷着一根弦Suspicious that this string is moving your bones
我们是烈火,能驱赶一切We are the fire, we see how they run
眼看着他们如何逃离这烈火,举高我,让我远眺太阳See how they run, lift me higher, let me look at the sun
目光聚焦太阳,我能清楚地听到他们说Look at the sun and once I hear them clearly, say
你,到底是谁?Who, who are you really?
你要去何方?And where-ere are you going?
我不需要证明什么I've got nothing left to prove
因为我一无所有Cause I've got nothing left to lose
因为你我张牙舞爪See me bare my teeth for you
我真的怒了See me bare my teeth
你,到底是谁?Who, who are you really?
你要去何方?And where-ere are you going?
我不需要证明什么I've got nothing left to prove
因为我一无所有Cause I've got nothing left to lose
因为你我张牙舞爪See me bare my teeth for you
你,到底是谁?Who, who are you?
《少狼》电视剧插曲 ,编曲很棒,有种层层递进的感觉,很有氛围感,跃动的鼓点和男声,很有画面感,间奏的两声娇喘很赞,好听不火系列,单曲循环了很久的歌
这个歌词不错.很有意义 第二个MV真是又燃又虐啊 兩個都很不錯但更喜歡第二個視頻裡的剪輯
配上這首真的很優 我只听到前奏就已经觉得很好听了 这个鼓点很带劲!!人声也好听!喜欢,很难不爱~{:6_200:} 节奏很不错的歌!感谢分享~ 0-0 不得不说剪的真好 和歌曲很贴合呀~ 好像少狼电影要上了 好听的歌曲啊,演唱者很帅啊,场面很劲爆,谢谢分享 第二首歌听起来特别的燃,感谢楼主分享。 都是很好听嗷 特别喜欢第二个 感谢分享~ 这首歌的前奏和鼓点非常喜欢