No.0386 擎天柱(Peterbilt389)
擎天柱(Peterbilt389)馆藏编号 NumberStatus No.0386
状态 Status流通
简介 Introduction一辆外形犀利,花纹炫酷的重型卡车向你驶来,红色的花纹如同燃烧的火焰,蓝色则像大海般深邃,顶部的一排喇叭响起时振聋发聩,你禁不住想要上前感受一番。
来源 Source变形金刚系列
属性 Attribute普通类徽章血液向勋章、旅程向勋章、咒术向勋章不可回收、不可续期、可寄售
发行量 Circulation发行量:待坛花补充
获取方式 Acquisition mode商店购买,400金币购买时,追随>=20
发行时间 Issue Time2022.09.10
绝版时间 Out of Print Time————————
作者 Author南风知我意
特殊 Specialness——
比起擎天柱我更喜欢威震天多一点:$ 变形金刚系列看过。很不错电影。期待看看勋章效果怎么样。 本帖最后由 Cambrian 于 2022-9-11 06:24 编辑
吃了金币血液各200多的样子,最后需要66咒术。还好我是收集咒术堕落徽章,不然真供不起这活佛,但是0.24的血液受益和0.8的咒术受益都非常高,属于是高投入高产出。希望擎天柱和大黄蜂两个徽章可以给我生点小徽章出来。 期待大佬放出满级图 本帖最后由 迷糊月牙魇 于 2022-11-19 13:11 编辑
入驻gm村人材市场的变形高达,译名和车体让人馋。底价400后续升级费用200金200血66咒术,养车果然花销巨大.想回本可能需要发表2000个以上的回复。感觉2级转化形体的画面观赏性比较强 这个也没有图,没太激发积极性啊,汽车人过气了... 看起来感觉还不错,买了大黄蜂和擎天柱 借了四楼摆出来的图和属性
8% 回 +3血 +1咒 发 +1旅 触发概率略低了,总计600金400血66咒,0.24血,0.08咒,0.08旅,性价比略低。
画面还是偏暗了一些,大概是因为宇宙要素?可能后期会对概率调整吧。 属性好像和雷神差不多,咒术向的,实际换算收益是很高,但是概率略低,比较适合触手怪 本触手怪表示8%还是低了点惹,不过毕竟是咒术向... 升级消耗的资源好多,不过最后属性也很给力 好歹前几级都过来了,现在就安安心心地肝80旅程吧:lol 本帖最后由 alexk 于 2023-8-19 03:20 编辑
【等级1】4% 回帖血液+1,发帖咒术+1 ,升级消耗233血液
"We live among its people now, hidingin plain sight, but watching over them in secret, waiting, protecting. I havewitnessed their capacity for courage. And though we are worlds apart, like us, there’smore to them than meets the eye. I am Optimus Prime, and I send this message toany surviving Autobots taking refuge among the stars. We are here. We are waiting.”
【等级3】6% 同上,升级消耗66咒术
“Our races unitedby a history long forgotten. And a future we shall face together. I am OptimusPrime, and I send this message so that our past will always be remembered. Forin those memories, we live on.”
【等级4】7% 回帖咒术+1、血液+2,发帖旅程+1,自动升级:旅程≥80
"In any war.Thereare calms,between storms.There will be days when we loose faith.Days when ourallies turn against us.But the day will never come.That we forsake this planet.And it's people."
【等级5max】8% 回帖咒术+1、血液+3,发帖旅程+1
At the heartof every legend, there is truth. A few brave souls unite to save their worlds. Wecan be heroes in our own lives, every one of us, if we only have the courage totry. Our fates were always intertwined. But now our worlds are joined as one. Weneed to repair our planets. Work together. If we wish to survive. A dangeroussecret is buried deep inside the Earth. There is more to this planet then meetsthe eye. I am Optimus prime, calling all Autobots. it's time to come home.”
看来在麻瓜眼里,科技=咒术 (咒术男从很奇葩,前几名都不是正经巫师,而邓布利多和甘道夫回帖竟然都不加咒术)
不过目前咒术男从大都被bug坑害而flop,不知何时能修复~ {:4_114:}