Be warned that this mission can be challenging if you are not prepared. Before leaving buy as many pills as you can at Grosseries because you won't be able to return to Akra until you finish the quest. Buy at least 50 of each. Have at least level 3 and 4 points in dexterity (6 recommended).
For the final boss you can not use sex to win, so before entering the final door put on the outfit that Rylan gave you if you have not sold it. To win the battle, use the gas in the first turn (you will know what I'm talking about when the time comes). Then heal yourselves and keep your life at maximum until the pirate boss exhausts all his energy, at this point the rest of the fight will be to watch your life and do as much damage as possible. I recommend you to have acquired the "Multiple Shot" skill and use it as many times as possible.
If your friendship with Rylan is equal to or higher than 20 and love is equal to 10 or more Rylan will be on your side and the fight will be easier. emmm没玩过 希望楼主早日结局嗷 有汉化了吗?指个路:loveliness: 没玩过的游戏,我去玩玩 刷级吧,虽然有点麻烦 感谢大佬分享攻略,原来需要使用剧情道具才能通过,这关确实挺难打 啊啊啊你在哪里下载的啊 画风比较奇妙的作品。剧情也不错,就是总感觉容易漏点什么 0-0 隐约记得似乎是有道具来着 除了博士给的削弱剂,就是用技能、能量、治疗药片打消耗噜(记得存档)
战斗前换上rylan给的套装(就是初始的紫色装甲) 因为这场诱惑无效(毕竟是动真格的要互相消灭对方)
5级打这个数值低了点,回去找蜥蜴练习(可以不停诱惑,诱惑or击败 给的经验值一样)升级了加点到打伤害的基础值上。
(升级太慢了,我是直接修改器过的惹{:6_197:}) 要去探索个房间吧,拿削弱道具 这三角龙大叔很不错啊{:4_86:} 看到另一个帖子说是有sm属性,过来一看,原来真是三角龙啊……还以为只是名字 ;P:正常过剧情基本就很容易打过 不过这个三角龙还是蛮涩涩的qwq