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a momnent like this

热度 18已有 806 次阅读2014-4-12 13:24

What if I told you
  It was all meant to be
  Would you believe me
  Would you agree
  It's almost that feelin'
  We've met before
  So tell me that you don't think I'm crazy
  When I tell you love has come here and now
  A moment like this
  Some people wait a lifetime
  For a moment like this
  Some people search forever
  For that one special kiss
  Oh I can't believe it's happening to me
  Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this
  Everything changes but beauty remains
  Something so tender
  I can't explain
  Well I may be dreaming but till i awake
  Can't we make this dream last forever
  And I'll cherish all the love we share
  For a moment like this
  Some people wait a lifetime
  For a moment like this
  Some people search forever
  For that one special kiss
  Oh I can't believe it's happening to me
  Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this
  Could this be the greatest love of all
  I wanna know that you will catch me when I fall
  So let me tell you this
  Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this
  Some people wait a lifetime
  for a moment like this
  Some people search forever
  for that one special kiss
  Oh I can't believe it's happening to me
  Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this






刚表态过的朋友 (18 人)


发表评论 评论 (3 个评论)

回复 Xin丶 2014-4-12 16:27
momnent or moment?
回复 ww505380 2014-4-12 16:28
Xin丶: momnent or moment?
回复 ggjiazhan 2014-4-13 11:30
song lyric?


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