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So, do I stick it....right here? Just the whole header should get shoved right i

热度 23已有 291 次阅读2022-11-19 23:04 |系统分类:纯水(首页不显示)| Berseria

Do you want me to say who I am and all of that? *sigh* 

I suppose I can take this time and space to talk about a great love-hate relationship I've had for a great  .while: with the Tales of... series.
Now I don't want to spend time talking about the many odd turns in storyline, or the constant "we need to think this through > something messes up > alright we're just gonna storm the front gates" attitude, or even the gaping plot holes they make trying to explain the mechanics behind so many unnecessary things. No no, I'm here to celebrate the series for how thinly veiled its many gay relationships come off as. I mean, Sorey and Mikleo, Rita and Estelle, Shionne and Kisara. Okay admittedly i haven't played that many, but I just finished Berseria and ah, Velvet and Eleanor belong together. I'd love to see a post-game commune situation with those two and Medissa. I guess Rokurou and Eizen can be there too, but only if they're together. lol






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