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热度 94已有 220 次阅读2024-6-21 01:10 |个人分类:不重要的东西|系统分类:纯水(首页不显示)

In this day, I joined the GameMale forum, and having an official forum account of my own has been my wish since I learned about the forum.

On many lonely nights, I will open the URL of the forum, shuttle through the sections, browse the posts that can be seen as a tourist, although I don't have an account, I can still capture some interesting information, and then find other resource stations through keywords, so that I can get the most primitive desire for the comfort of my boring days. Sometimes the end of the resource is still hot is the gamemale forum, and the mood of wanting to have an account is also at its peak, and even fantasizing that you can achieve resource freedom after getting an account.

But today, after I received the invitation code, I didn't register as soon as possible, but it was very strange to open the drawing software and finish the homework before slowly clicking on the invitation link. It reminds me of the time when I was burned with lust and I would go out of my way to find resources, no matter how important things were. Sure, I know that pornography can't affect my life, but self-control and the desire for insatiable sex must also make my repressed heart extremely hot. But this time, I unexpectedly chose to slow down, and did not be dominated by desire and acted fanatically. It also made me think about what it is to be a sexual minority person to really aspire.

The environment around me is relatively conservative, and I can only suppress my own nature as an "alternative", and this also makes me show an infinite desire for naked sex, so I will develop a lot of perverted fetishes, but the long career as a forum visitor has put a frosted glass between me and pure pornography, and I know that my desire is on the other side, but I can only vaguely perceive it. After a long time, I began to notice the clear water post of the forum, although everyone's discussion did not directly touch the content of desire, but everyone was able to speak freely, express themselves without scruples, without pretense and suppression.

This also made me realize that sex and love are complementary to each other, and the fetishes brought about by sex will make the spirit happy, which is due to the negative state of separation caused by the environment and self-adaptation, and the so-called depravity is the default pursuit of happiness will produce collapse, since desire and order cannot be obtained at the same time, then there are traces of the complete abandonment of one behavior. But love can be celebrated, love is the regulating mechanism of sexuality, unlike sexual fetishes, love can be integrated into normal life. Love is receptive to sex and normalizes desire. Therefore, in my eyes, the pursuit of a normal erotic relationship will be the subject of every gay in the separation.

So while pursuing SM but I hope that the protagonist can find true love and get tenderness .While looking forward to sex, I look forward to the resonance of the hearts of both parties; and I yearn for love but  I yearn for him to be able to make me like a spring breeze like elders. This is all due to man's own search for love.

For me, the forum attracts me with its erotic gestures, but it heals me with its gentle face, and opens a hole for communication for the inner group that is suppressed in reality. It has shaped my true self-identity. Finally, I would like to thank the old users who provided me with the invitation code, thank you for your kindness and trust, and I will try my best to maintain the forum and abide by the order.

I hope that every comrade can live a happy life.

(I used English because there were many people in the dormitory, and I'm not ready to let others know I'm gay.)






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回复 Benjamin97 2024-6-21 01:38
Tbh, sex sometimes is mere a way to seek for affection, the desire to be loved and cherished. Prolonged deprivation of the affection can lead to excessive carving of sexual activities, often also lead to various fetishes or kinks.
However, the affection here is not just about sex, it can also be the companionship, or simply just an emotional outlet. In a conservative environment, it's safer to just shut us out and isolate ourselves from others. But by doing this, it denys all the affection, the emtional comfort we need. Finding a supportive friend group online or offline can help us on that part, give us a place to be ourselves and have those emotional needs filled.
So, glad you can be here, and good luck on your future journey.
回复 user_login 2024-6-21 04:50
your english good good
回复 Nittbone 2024-6-21 11:09
USIN this script to block some NSFW items (mostly signature pics) if u r not ready to be exposed, can also learn to add rules to block other porn stuff
回复 EnteSchatten 2024-6-21 17:00
感谢大家的回复,我目前还在探索论坛规范的过程中,毕竟毕竟不能像以前游客状态下只看就行了,当有了权利之后要承担的责任就很多了,其实我没想到会有将近一百多人看到我的评论,对于以前究极社恐的我来说着实有点受宠若惊了,以至于我现在回复都要反复斟酌词句,所以回帖和评论升级的事情也一拖再拖,倒是没有很迫切地向到达2级进和谐区了。对于隐私保护方面我也会注意的,一般我会用手机端看帖回帖,但是发帖的话手机就不太方便了,Nittbone推荐的屏蔽脚本帖子我也看了,但是我在编程方面的知识储备过于贫瘠,仅限于几年前学校教过的浅显的vb语言程序设计,所以对帖子内容看不太懂,可能还需要一段时间的学习才能运用 另外我的英语水平也不是太好啦,基本上都是考高中语法基础在撑,而且哑巴,可能备考四六级的时候和找外网资源的时候都是只需要对单词有个印象就好了,我在编辑时有很多单词都不会拼写 靠查词才能顺利表达呢。英语是一种交流方式,以后我会尽量少地运用英语来增加交流便捷度。这次确实舍友都在而且想说的很多,加上文段中无法避免一些“有伤风化”的词句所以才出此下策。这么一想我还是挺反差的哈哈哈 。论坛给我们通讯录群体一个独特的交流的平台,在我眼里是一个温情的存在,而且我认为泥潭的人们之间接触起来没有那么大的压力,这段时间我也认识了一些论坛内的朋友,他们都有各自的特点,算然教育经历和兴趣方向不同让我会觉得自己的知识储备太少,但是都很善良和有趣,“这让我产生爱和希望是存在的”的感觉。没准以后在论坛站街会遇到陪伴一生的恋人也说不定(幻想时刻)。我也在寻找自己在站里的定位,看看有什么是自己能够做到的。我相信接下来来的旅程一定不会荆棘密布


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