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[游戏音乐] 【东方ProjectTH12】『东方星莲船』(STG)BGM分享(最终面道中曲、BOSS曲) attach_img agree hellseasons 2024-5-14 131111 Linkdahl 2024-7-4 10:42
[西洋音乐] (单曲推荐)Peter Pan Was Right——Anson Seabra attach_img recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456 是阿行嘞 2023-2-25 1041961 是阿行嘞 2024-7-3 03:23
[西洋音乐] 【星楼钟塔】小众歌手推荐——Biscuits agree  ...2 是阿行嘞 2023-2-18 351141 是阿行嘞 2024-7-3 03:20
[西洋音乐] 歌手推荐——Sasha Alex Sloan(本帖已重制) attach_img recommend agree  ...23 是阿行嘞 2023-1-21 401448 是阿行嘞 2024-7-3 03:06
[西洋音乐] (单曲推荐)Moral of the story——歌手:Ashe attachment agree  ...2 是阿行嘞 2023-3-11 361304 是阿行嘞 2024-7-3 03:06
[个人翻唱] 【167号影音室】《未来再见》《Daca Po》/小亚的毕业翻唱·其四 attachment agree  ...2 亚洛斯 2024-6-16 271416 crino66666 2024-7-2 18:59
[游戏音乐] 【十一周年】【星辰降临】原神-晨曦酒庄 - [阅读权限 2]agree  ...2 user_login 2024-6-15 32762 crino66666 2024-7-2 18:58
[个人翻唱] 【细语欢歌】《思念尘埃》——镜音连·洛天依·言和 - [阅读权限 255]attach_img agree 仲裁丶火炬 2024-6-8 191058 zhuovboyan 2024-6-29 04:13
[个人翻唱] 【星辰降临】我只在乎你-邓丽君 (翻唱重新上传版 attachment agree  ...2 沃克子 2024-6-11 33878 zhuovboyan 2024-6-29 03:01
[个人翻唱] 【细语欢歌】山巅雪国的记忆 - 陈致逸@HOYO-MiX / Sfuture Art Group Sfuture艺术团 attachment agree  ...2 Scaramouche 2024-6-11 22902 zhuovboyan 2024-6-28 15:35
[个人翻唱] 【细语欢歌】《爱情三十六计》Cover:蔡依林 - [阅读权限 255]attachment recommend agree  ...2 紫漾Aro 2024-6-12 39727 crino66666 2024-6-27 22:41
[个人翻唱] 【细语欢歌】【星辰降临】爱殇(男版)-龚骏 attachment agree Andrew叔叔 2024-6-12 19998 crino66666 2024-6-27 22:33
[个人翻唱] 【细语欢歌】林俊杰:开庭的时候记得带上你那破b表情包!卡姐转音大挑战之GM全村帅哥的梦中情1,音乐区第一深情rnb小天王扛鼎力作!《醉赤壁》 - [阅读权限 255]attachment agree  ...2 卡扎拉尔 2024-6-12 28595 crino66666 2024-6-27 22:25
[游戏音乐] 塞壬唱片-Operation Blade attach_img recommend heatlevel agree  ...234 Sanchez_leory 2023-5-6 762033 Linkdahl 2024-6-27 11:38
[个人翻唱] 【欢歌满村】坐忘道—王朝1982 attach_img recommend heatlevel agree - [回帖奖励 200 ]  ...234 夕烧_Clein 2023-7-3 722722 蓝色幻想Q 2024-6-26 19:05
[西洋音乐] 【茶余闲谈】Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! -ABBA attach_img agree  ...23 Nittbone 2023-9-14 451829 XLK 2024-6-26 14:00
[西洋音乐] 【星辰降临】《Running in the Night》--FM-84/Ollie Wride attachment agree  ...2 本地人 2024-6-12 21893 crino66666 2024-6-25 20:58
[游戏音乐] 十一周年】【星辰降临】《Bayu Bayushki》 attachment  ...2 哟哟hoho 2024-6-12 25767 crino66666 2024-6-25 20:19
[个人翻唱] 【细语欢歌】《蝴蝶效应》cover:房东的猫&鬼卞 agree Inari 2024-6-12 16638 crino66666 2024-6-25 20:17
[中文音乐] 【音乐推荐】【koh动漫系列】crossing field attachment recommend agree  ...2 koh 2024-6-11 301016 crino66666 2024-6-24 19:57
[个人翻唱] 【细语欢歌】美丽心情—— cover刘惜君 agree  ...2 Lano 2024-6-11 251120 crino66666 2024-6-24 19:52
[个人翻唱] 【十一周年】【星辰降临】《使一颗心免于哀伤》—cover 知更鸟/chevy attachment agree  ...2 ilomilo 2024-6-11 28915 crino66666 2024-6-24 19:44
[中文音乐] 【十一周年】【星辰降临】But U - NINEONE赵馨玥 莫然 2024-6-12 17634 crino66666 2024-6-24 19:36
[个人翻唱] 【细语欢歌】阴天(Cover莫文蔚) attachment agree  ...2 KagamiAdrian 2024-6-11 23783 crino66666 2024-6-24 19:35
[游戏音乐] 【原创配乐】一首轻松向的跑图bgm~ attachment agree  ...2 箐同学 2024-4-3 301538 XLK 2024-6-24 13:26
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