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音乐交流 今日: 299 |主题: 7029|排名: 7 

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[西洋音乐] 【CB沼泽深林】Fields of Gold 的两个经典版本 attach_img agree abba 2022-4-16 171389 Nittbone 2023-5-19 12:42
[西洋音乐] 【新晴野望】Million Lights - Tungevaag&Raaban attach_img recommend agree  ...2 wangyahu 2022-5-1 34980 Nittbone 2023-5-19 12:41
[西洋音乐] 【新晴野望】APRÈS MINUIT - Felix Räuber (feat. Schlindwein) attach_img recommend agree  ...2 donkey01 2022-5-1 301461 Nittbone 2023-5-19 12:40
[西洋音乐] On a Slow Boat to China - Luke Thompson attach_img agree abba 2022-3-25 191218 时间之朔 2023-5-19 11:57
[电影音乐] 【工会经营】Драконья песня attach_img agree  ...2 ilblvm 2022-7-9 351231 Nittbone 2023-5-19 11:53
[电影音乐] 【星尘月陨】I See Red - Everybody Loves an Outlaw attach_img recommend agree ilblvm 2022-9-15 17969 Nittbone 2023-5-19 11:48
[西洋音乐] 【月光永夜】Don't Know Why - Norah Jones attach_img abba 2022-2-15 101029 时间之朔 2023-5-19 11:46
[西洋音乐] 推荐两首挺魔性和上头(?的英文歌曲~ attachment recommend agree Zayne03 2021-11-18 161595 时间之朔 2023-5-19 11:43
[西洋音乐] Shots (Broiler Remix)——Imagine Dragons attach_img agree 南风知我意 2022-1-8 13819 zmmmm_ 2023-5-19 11:36
[西洋音乐] daily growing-Altan attach_img recommend agree 电光哈士奇 2022-1-14 15851 zmmmm_ 2023-5-19 11:34
[西洋音乐] 【虎虎生威】《 Болен тобой》——Dima Bilan agree TooYTooSP 2022-1-30 16835 zmmmm_ 2023-5-19 11:33
[西洋音乐] 《Back To Me》——Vanotek / Eneli agree TooYTooSP 2022-1-16 111519 zmmmm_ 2023-5-19 11:31
[西洋音乐] 【音乐推荐】This Is the Age-Tom Grennan attach_img agree TooYTooSP 2021-10-11 9876 Nittbone 2023-5-19 11:25
[西洋音乐] A Journey to the End of Time——melodysheep attach_img agree 南风知我意 2021-10-15 81534 Nittbone 2023-5-19 11:19
[西洋音乐] 【月光永夜】Conan Gray - Heather attach_img Kansen 2022-2-16 171026 Nittbone 2023-5-19 11:15
[西洋音乐] 【月光永夜】你有一个朋友 You've Got A Friend - Carole King attach_img recommend agree 南洋水镜 2022-2-15 15897 Nittbone 2023-5-19 11:10
[西洋音乐] Human - Christina Perri attach_img  ...2 donkey01 2022-3-12 231151 Nittbone 2023-5-19 11:03
[西洋音乐] Pillow from home - Brazzaville attach_img agree abba 2022-3-14 14938 Nittbone 2023-5-19 11:00
[西洋音乐] That Man - Caro Emerald attach_img abba 2022-3-20 10855 Nittbone 2023-5-19 10:57
[西洋音乐] 【CB亚特兰蒂斯】【音乐分享】MusMus-風 agree  ...2 泡澡的inko 2022-4-5 311232 Nittbone 2023-5-19 10:53
[西洋音乐] 【CB亚特兰蒂斯】Watermelon Sugar - Harry Styles attach_img 俯卧撑 2022-4-5 161028 Nittbone 2023-5-19 10:51
[西洋音乐] 音乐推荐 小枝《minds of men》 attach_img agree  ...2 GLaDOS 2023-1-7 20650 AncL 2023-5-19 10:32
[西洋音乐] 音乐推荐 电子舞曲《Ceci n'est pas un cliché》 attach_img agree GLaDOS 2023-1-5 19704 Nittbone 2023-5-19 09:07
[西洋音乐] 音乐推荐 Yeah Yeah Yeahs《Spitting Off the Edge of the World》 attach_img agree  ...2 GLaDOS 2023-1-9 22653 Nittbone 2023-5-19 08:50
[西洋音乐] 【音乐推荐】Sleepyhead------Galen Crew attach_img agree Vachel 2022-2-6 16757 Freeze123 2023-5-19 00:36
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