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音乐交流 今日: 119 |主题: 6971|排名: 8 

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[西洋音乐] passion pit - Little Secrets(勵志歌曲) agree cordac 2014-8-6 55554 chuxuezhiye 2014-8-12 09:46
[西洋音乐] Fischerspooner - The Best Revenge attach_img agree cordac 2014-8-11 42053 chuxuezhiye 2014-8-12 08:52
[西洋音乐] before the dawn - gregorian agree fylttex 2013-9-9 12006 chuxuezhiye 2014-8-11 21:14
[西洋音乐] 【每日一歌】Baby I Love You attach_img 寂静的蝉鸣 2013-8-29 102126 寂静的蝉鸣 2014-8-11 15:28
[西洋音乐] Runaway! attach_img harry5552464 2014-8-10 41856 harry5552464 2014-8-11 14:44
[西洋音乐] tyDi feat. Kane - A Picture Never Taken attach_img cordac 2014-8-10 22151 残羽恶魔 2014-8-10 22:11
[西洋音乐] 凌晨了哈,偷偷来首le temps des cathedrales agree fylttex 2013-8-18 32072 chuxuezhiye 2014-8-10 22:05
[西洋音乐] Hurts-Devotion attach_img agree 天之奕 2014-8-9 172852 天之奕 2014-8-10 18:43
[西洋音乐] Стас Шуринс——Ты моё agree wyw19902006 2014-2-5 32035 chuxuezhiye 2014-8-10 15:51
[西洋音乐] The Killers-殺手樂團 喬巴巴 2014-7-10 152217 forever4188 2014-8-10 05:46
[西洋音乐] 轻快感觉——the one attach_img agree 地府枯树下等你 2013-12-22 102012 harry5552464 2014-8-9 22:41
[其他音乐] 【吐血推荐】适合睡前听的【轻音乐】 attach_img agree  ...23 chuxuezhiye 2014-6-19 555431 yunaabbcc125 2014-8-9 15:06
[西洋音乐] Human-Goldfrapp agree Joke男 2013-10-13 12111 chuxuezhiye 2014-8-8 14:58
[西洋音乐] Ricky Martin——The Best Thing About Me Is You agree wyw19902006 2014-2-3 91968 chuxuezhiye 2014-8-8 13:08
[西洋音乐] 比较喜欢的一首神曲The Fox (What Does the Fox Say?) agree 地府枯树下等你 2013-11-3 82070 chuxuezhiye 2014-8-7 22:34
[西洋音乐] Maps -Maroom5 attach_img agree  ...2 george艾草 2014-7-7 244012 icetortoise 2014-8-7 20:17
[西洋音乐] 【骚当官配】Blake Shelton - Honey Bee attach_img agree  ...2 zhangee99352488 2014-7-21 264233 icetortoise 2014-8-7 20:16
[西洋音乐] Wake Me Up -- Aloe Blacc attach_img agree zhangee99352488 2014-8-7 92420 icetortoise 2014-8-7 20:08
[西洋音乐] Sam Smith - 《In the Lonely Hour》 agree 天之奕 2014-8-6 112645 fk1985 2014-8-7 15:35
[其他音乐] 輕音樂[適合睡前、閱讀、或是放鬆] agree 天之奕 2014-8-4 122336 天之奕 2014-8-6 23:49
[西洋音乐] Tal vez(也許) - Ricky Martin agree  ...2 天之奕 2014-8-5 243154 寂静的蝉鸣 2014-8-6 23:14
[其他音乐] [歐美電音]Ashley Wallbridge feat Kobalt Infusion-Kopanang agree cordac 2014-8-6 102943 cordac 2014-8-6 21:27
[中文音乐] [略限制]黃宥傑《傷愛罪》 - 其中表達的情感也只有同道中人才知道 attach_img agree eastbear 2014-8-5 172440 eastbear 2014-8-6 20:14
[西洋音乐] Born to die - Lana Del Rey agree fylttex 2014-8-1 62106 寂静的蝉鸣 2014-8-6 01:10
[东洋音乐] アンジェラ・アキ (Angela Aki) - 告白 attach_img 彰魚燒 2014-8-1 42813 基佬陈 2014-8-1 20:15
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