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[个人翻唱] 【细语欢歌】翻唱第一弹-长生诀 attach_img recommend agree  ...2 ANn安 2024-6-6 29897 安氏贵人鸟 2024-11-15 22:56
[个人翻唱] 【细语欢歌】生如夏花 cover 朴树 attachment agree  ...2 把它炸成沫沫 2024-6-6 33967 安氏贵人鸟 2024-11-15 22:10
[个人翻唱] 【细语欢歌】贝加尔湖畔 attach_img agree  ...2 zzy159 2024-6-6 37959 安氏贵人鸟 2024-11-15 22:05
[个人翻唱] 【细语欢歌】一生所爱 attach_img agree  ...2 Morphyus 2024-6-6 381081 安氏贵人鸟 2024-11-15 21:55
[个人翻唱] 【细语欢歌】長相廝守 - ToNick attach_img agree  ...2 青魂 2024-6-6 22947 安氏贵人鸟 2024-11-15 21:01
投票 [个人翻唱] 【细语欢歌】 周杰倫-迷迭香 attachment agree  ...2 ga2006024244 2024-6-6 371780 安氏贵人鸟 2024-11-15 20:35
[个人翻唱] 【细语欢歌】《北极光+盛夏的果实》- (Cover: 莫文蔚) attach_img recommend agree  ...2 七月洪流x 2024-6-6 351257 安氏贵人鸟 2024-11-15 20:32
[个人翻唱] 【细语欢歌】一个像夏天一个像秋天-范玮琪 attach_img agree  ...23 ditto 2024-6-6 431370 安氏贵人鸟 2024-11-15 20:25
[个人翻唱] 【细语欢歌】(嗷呜翻唱)《我爱鲁西西》-余菲菲 attach_img recommend agree  ...2 Burry 2024-6-6 35949 安氏贵人鸟 2024-11-15 20:20
[个人翻唱] 【细语欢歌】《红太阳照边疆》范琳琳版 attach_img agree  ...2 Ullnllmll 2024-6-6 23853 安氏贵人鸟 2024-11-15 20:16
[西洋音乐] {太空氛围}深邃/梦幻 Brian Eno--Apollo: Atmospheres & Soundtracks attach_img agree  ...2 ilikepotaaatoes 2024-11-7 20681 2302594 2024-11-15 17:14
[西洋音乐] 【音乐推荐】《Love In The Dark》 Adele “我无法盲目地爱着你” attach_img agree  ...2 德罗里斯 2024-11-6 24798 2302594 2024-11-15 17:09
[个人翻唱] 【梅克军团】Teeth-5 Seconds of Summer agree guikuo 2024-11-6 19993 2302594 2024-11-15 17:06
[个人翻唱] 【猫咪合唱团】tsweez - I Hate It Here - Taylor Swift cover attach_img agree 2297988 2024-11-8 191255 2297988 2024-11-15 11:12
[东洋音乐] 【梅克军团】《LOSER》——米津玄师 attach_img agree  ...2 月光下的萤火虫 2024-11-6 27995 singto 2024-11-15 09:58
[个人翻唱] 【懒染的晚安电台】第一弹 -《城里的月光》 attach_img recommend agree  ...23 懒染 2023-8-4 591177 2297988 2024-11-15 01:16
[个人翻唱] 【梅克军团】大约在冬季 attach_img agree  ...2 Destin 2024-11-5 25918 2302594 2024-11-14 16:20
[个人翻唱] 【梅克军团】stoolswee - Us. - Gracie Abrams/Taylor Swift cover attach_img recommend agree EENSNTT 2024-11-5 14890 2302594 2024-11-14 16:19
[个人翻唱] 【梅克军团】《忘了我》cover. 周深 attach_img agree 三金呀 2024-11-4 16424 wdhgzdhcxb 2024-11-14 14:09
[西洋音乐] 【梅克军团】【音乐推荐】《The Sea of Night》Old Gods of Asgard Krampus 2024-11-4 16575 Empurple 2024-11-14 14:01
投票 [音乐专题] 【摇滚现场】第一期:Comfortably Numb - Pink Floyd attach_img recommend heatlevel agree  ...234 abba 2023-1-29 763493 chenfeng6 2024-11-14 13:29
投票 [西洋音乐] 【沁园春色】音乐分享:Set Fire to the Love Song heatlevel agree  ...234 大份烤冷面 2023-3-15 794122 2297988 2024-11-14 12:24
[西洋音乐] 【梅克军团】【电音】PLAY - Ricii Lompeurs / Ticia agree Freeze123 2024-11-5 13673 2302594 2024-11-14 06:48
[东洋音乐] [车库摇滚/迷幻摇滚] 3×3×3 - ゆらゆら帝国 [Yura Yura Teikoku] 新人帖 attach_img agree ttttchr 2024-11-6 18936 zhuovboyan 2024-11-14 03:56
[西洋音乐] 【后摇名盘】Explosions in the Sky-Those Who Tell the Truth Shall Die, Those Who Tell the Truth Shall Live Forever attachment recommend agree ilikepotaaatoes 2024-11-6 18908 2297988 2024-11-14 01:37
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