Do What U Want
从上次 Donatella的帖子的反应来看,鳖粉还真不少,而且对二炮都挺意难平来着,因此打算找时间写个ArtPOP专辑的讨论贴。
这次先说说这首在专辑中被隐藏的曲目Do What U Want,被隐藏的原因主要是合作者R.Kelly在2013年爆出了性侵未成年丑闻,结合老鳖自己的经历,和这首歌在整张专辑中所代表的含义,导致整个作品再当时变成了一个笑话。因此老鳖愤然下架了这首曲子,在之后所有的二炮专辑中都不会再有这首。个人对此还是感到挺遗憾,因为这歌本来无论从音乐表现,还是政治讽刺或是精神内涵上都颇有可取之处。MV也是拍到一半,就再无音讯,真的是很可惜 。
Black: GAGA Blue: R.Kelly
Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh (Oh)
Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh (Oh)
I, feel good, I walk alone But then I trip over myself and I fall I, I stand up, and then I'm OK But then you print some shit that makes wanna scream
So do what you want What you want with my body Do what you want Don't stop, let's party Do what you want What you want with my body Do what you want Whant you want with my body
Wirte what you want, say what you want about me If you're wondering know that I'm not sorry Do what you want What you want with my body What you want with my body
You can't have my heart and You won't use my mind but Do What you want with my body Do What you want with my body You can't stop my voice cause You don't own my life but Do What you want with my body Do What you want with my body
Early morning, longer nights Tom Ford, private flights Crazy schedule, fast life I wouldn't trade it in, case it's our life (let's slow it down) I could be the drink in your cup I could be the green in your blunt Your pusher man Yeah I got what you want You want to escape All of the crazy shit You're Marilyn, I'm the president And I love to hear you sing, girl Do what I want Do what I want with your body Do what I want Do what I want with your body Back of the club, taking shots, getting naughty No invitation, it's a private party Do what I want Do what I want with your body Do what I want Do what I want with your body Yeah we taking these haters and we roughing em up And we lay inthe club like we don't give a fuck
You can't have my heart and You won't use my mind but Do What you want with my body Do What you want with my body You can't stop my voice cause You don't own my life but Do What you want with my body Do What you want with my body
Sometimes I'm scared I suppose If you ever let me go I would fall apart If you break my heart So just take my body And don't stop the party
You can't have my heart and You won't use my mind but Do What you want with my body Do What you want with my body You can't stop my voice cause You don't own my life but Do What you want with my body Do What you want with my body
Do What you want with Me What you want with my body Do What you want with Me What you want with my body (girl) Help me now
2013AMA现场版| 原始概念设想的版本- 油管上的基本都删掉了 且看且珍惜
Christina Aguilera 和GAGA同台版
整张专辑中唯一一首常规POP,由于R.Kelly得天独厚的嗓音条件,让这首R&B在极佳的节奏中呈现出一种末路狂花,燃烧自我的美感。讽刺的表对象是肯尼迪和梦露,但更深层次的意思在于反抗资本和大众对于GAGA,这个偶像的控制 (针对之前对GAGA的各种攻击,什么变性人,怪胎,就是为了搏出位...中文媒体上应该特为尤甚)—— 你们(资本,媒体,观众)可以对我的身体和我的形象做你们想做的任何想象,任何事;但是我自己的思想,我的心,我的人生还是我自己的,你们要斗,老娘奉陪,看谁笑到最后。
不过随着ARTPOP这张专辑的确不理想,以及随后发生的事情和事业确实进入下滑期,这歌就变成了某种谶语....我一直觉得歌词里的Sometimes I'm scared I supposeIf you ever let me go可能还是对歌迷说的,GAGA的这个艺术人格我认为是应史蒂芬妮女士和其他少数群体的愿望而诞生的,如果没有了信徒和愿望,她的存在本身都会变得毫无意义。这可能就是为什么她的很多歌,在看似坚强、霸气的内核里,包含着一种卑微的渴望——因为那里藏着一个对过去的自己强烈自卑的,受过伤的女人。
上期: 【Lady GaGa】Donatella 姐就是女王英文版