《The Humbling River》- Puscifer
最早在2007年,由大佬 Maynard James Keenan 邀请了 Tool 和 A Perfect Circle 组成了一个 side band,他们以这个乐队的名义玩了很多另类的音乐,首张专辑《V is for Vagina》便横空出世,至今为止他们发布了很多张“字母”专辑,专辑曲目也如同他们的专辑名一样大胆张扬。
变形金刚系列一直是美漫界常青树,在过去近50多年的IP发展时间内,动画、漫画、电影、游戏层出不穷,在变形金刚相关游戏中更是有着 high moon 工作室集大成之作《变形金刚:赛博坦之战》和《变形金刚:赛博坦的陨落》这两部绝佳单机游戏~
在2009年以 Puscifer 名义发布的《C is for (Please Insert Sophomoric Genitalia Reference Here)》(专辑真名应当就是《C is for Cock》)中的这首歌《The Humbling River》即被《赛博坦的陨落》用于游戏CG创作。这部CG在这首bgm的映衬下,将战争残酷的一面表现的淋漓尽致,又借由歌词表现了博派的无奈,他们是被迫为自己的家园而战,事出无常却不得不团结一心,共同抗敌——究竟还要付出多少代价才能跨过这条震撼宇宙的战争之河呢?
Till All Are One!
《The Humbing River》歌词
Nature nurture heaven and home
Sum of all and by them driven
To conquer every mountain shown
But I've never crossed the river
Brave the forest brave the stone
Brave the icy winds and fire
Braved and beat them on my own
Yet I'm helpless by the river
Angel angel what have I done
I face the quakes the wind the fire
I've conquered country crown and throne
Why can't I cross this river
Angel angel what have I done
I face the quakes the wind the fire
I've conquered country crown and throne
Why can't I cross this river
Pay no mind to the battles you've won
It'll take a lot more than rage and muscle
Open your heart and hands my son
Or you'll never make it over the river
It'll take a lot more than words and guns
A whole lot more than riches and muscle
The hands of many must join as one
And together we'll cross the river
It'll take a lot more than words and guns
A whole lot more than riches and muscle
The hands of many must join as one
And together we'll cross the river
Nature nurture heaven and home
Sum of all and by them driven
To conquer every mountain shown
But I've never crossed the river
Brave the forest brave the stone
Brave the icy winds and fire
Braved and beat them on my own
Yet I'm helpless by the river
And together we'll cross the river