根据描述“this mod grants you a reanimate spell and an ability to collect actors when sneaking, the collected actor will be in your inventory under food the reanimate spell is a powerful version of death thrall, requiring master conjuration perk, the raised thralls can be activated to change items, they will always use the equipment you give them
upon death, the thrall may be raised again after a few seconds,maybe with or without your help, you can also summon up your missing thrall the maximum limit of corpse you can carry and the supported number of thralls are 10 though in normal game, by default the supported number of thralls should be 1 in vanilla, 2 with twin souls perk, setting the supported thralls slide does not modify the summoning limit you have, the script need the exact amount to work properly, for extending usage, set the proper number which is equal to your current summoning limit.”来看这个mod有两个功能,一个是添加了一个大师级召唤法术,相当于原版游戏复活永久尸兵但是可以同时复活多个(需要点出大师级召唤天赋);一个是潜行时可以将尸体收入背包的食物那栏。这两项功能可以通过mcm菜单开关与设置热键。
不知道lz是缺少哪项功能,不过可以先看看mcm里有没有这个mod的调试界面? |