Logic: Wield raw intellectual power. Deduce the world. Encyclopedia: Call upon all your knowledge. Produce fascinating trivia. Rhetoric: Practice the art of persuasion. Enjoy rigorous intellectual discourse. Drama: Play the actor. Lie - and detect lies. Conceptualization: Understand creativity. See Art in the world. Visual Calculus: Reconstruct crime scenes. Make laws of physics work for the Law. 逻辑思维:运用纯粹智力。演绎整个世界。 博学多闻:调用知识储备。展示迷人轶事。 能说会道:践行游说之道。尽享严谨话术。 故弄玄虚:看破人生如戏。献艺以诓攻谎。 标新立异:深入理解创意。纵览世间艺术。 见微知著:重构犯罪现场。驾驭自然法则。 Volition: Hold yourself together. Keep your Morale up. Inland Empire: Hunches and gut feelings. Dreams in waking life. Empathy: Understand others. Work your mirror neurons. Authority: Intimidate the public. Assert yourself. Esprit de Corps: Connect to Station 41. Understand cop culture. Suggestion: Charm men and women. Play the puppet-master. 平心定气:自励奋发图强。保持斗志昂扬。 内陆帝国:放纵直觉预感。漫游清醒梦境。 通情达理:理解他者心情。锻炼镜像神经。 争强好胜:威吓全场民众。树立自身权威。 同舟共济:同事心心相印。全局众志成城。 循循善诱:魅惑芸芸众生。玩弄傀儡提线。 Endurance: Take the blows. Don't let the world kill you. Pain threshold: Shrug off the pain. They'll have to hurt you more. Physical Instrument: Flex powerful muscles. Enjoy healthy organs. Electrochemistry: Go to party planet. Love and be loved by drugs. Shivers: Raise the hair on your neck. Tune in to the city. Half Light: Let the body take control. Threaten people. 钢筋铁骨:承受沉重打击。直面世界敌意。 坚忍不拔:无惧痛苦创伤。壮胆迎难而上。 强身健体:炫耀坚实肌肉。享受健美躯体。 食髓知味:纵情酒色享乐。沉溺毒品之海。 天人感应:竖起脖颈汗毛。倾听城市之音。 疑神疑鬼:笃信本能反应。恐吓威胁他人。 Hand / Eye Coordination: Ready? Aim and fire. Perception: See, hear, and smell everything. Let no detail go unnoticed. Reaction Speed: The quickest to react. An untouchable man. Savoir Faire: Sneak under their noses. Stun with immense panache. Interfacing: Master machines. Pick locks and pockets. Composure: Straighten your back. Keep your poker face. 眼明手巧:手眼高度协调。枪法百发百中。 五感发达:感知世间万物。注重一切细节。 反应速度:遇事当机立断。办事雷厉风行。 鬼祟玲珑:静则蛇行鳞潜。动则英气逼人。 能工巧匠:精通万千机械。攻破重重封锁。 从容自若:挺直腰杆做人。从容应对风浪。 |