I see you're driven by your detestation 我見你走來,心懷怨毒 Your every step is stoked with animus 每一步都伴隨著仇恨的火焰 You need a different type of motivation 你需改弦易轍尋找自我 Or there's no way that you can handle this 否則你無法應付這一切 I know you're thirstin' for vengeance, Vaggie 我知你渴望復仇,Vaggie You're out for blood 求索血仇 But you'll only stand a chance if you're out for love 唯有為愛而戰方可見一絲機會 Out for love, love 為愛而戰~ Think of who you care about 牢記所愛之人 Protect them and be out 護佑並不退縮 For love, love 為愛而戰~ You're gonna fight without gloves 你要毫無保留地戰鬥 Long as you're out for love 只要為愛而戰 Fuel yourself with the fear of losin' 以失去之懼火燃養自我 That somebody who's your reason to live 心之所戀為生命之因 Harnеss your heart and you can't help choosin' 駕馭心靈 固守初衷 To fight with all you can give 全力以赴 奮不顧身 I know you'rе thirstin' for vengeance, Vaggie 我知你渴望復仇,Vaggie You're out for blood 求索血仇 But you'll only stand a chance if you're out for love 唯有為愛而戰方可見一絲機會 Out for love, love 為愛而戰~ Think of who you care about 牢記所愛之人 Protect them and be out 護佑並不退縮 For love, love 為愛而戰~ You're gonna fight without gloves 你要毫無保留戰鬥 And when that push comes to shove 當艱難降臨 Yeah, you just might rise above 你將崛起只要 Long as you're out for love 為愛而戰 |