It's hard work chasing the next high 追求下一个高潮是一项艰苦的工作 The cheese at the end, an eternal drive 终点的权力,是永恒的动力 Threaten me with a good time! 以鮮美的蘋果来蠱惑我 Show me yours, I'll show you mine 你敞开心扉,我将与你分享我的伊甸園 And we can bring back Saint John's dance! 讓我們一起狂舞直至精疲力竭! Embrace the mania, but everybody will be just fine 拥抱狂热,虽然疯狂,但每个人都将安然无恙。 Hear ye! Hear ye! I decree: Let the good times roll, courtesy of me 听啊!听啊!我宣示:由我施予,让欢乐时光滚滚而来。 The world's a venue 这世界是毒蛇的舞台 Come one, Come all! 所有人都被邀请加入 Where your inhibitions don't make the call 在这里,你的拘谨不会左右結局。 Forget about the blood, sweat and tears 忘掉鲜血,甜蜜和眼泪 It's all about getting booze, sex and cheers 现在只有烈酒,性*和欢呼 When you're past the end of days, step inside 当你超越末日时,请踏入其中 You're free to numb the pain 你可以逃避你的现实 Saints and Sinners, we meet halfway 圣徒与罪人,我们各让一步 Where they praise virtue, we own our ways 在他们歌颂美德之处,我们选择承担自己的抉择 I do it for the fiery pits n' giggles 将自己置于火炼之中,只为得到一丝欢笑 And I rule with a iron fist 而且我以铁腕统治这里 Try me, push me, tempt me 你可以试图挑衅我,推翻我,诱惑我 You'll find out that my fun's not weakness 你将会发现,我的享乐并非是无所顾忌 Finally a place where you know you can free yourself 终于你将有一个可以自由自在的场所 Cut loose the beast 释放内心的猛兽吧 A pas de deux with debauchery 来一段纵欲放荡的双人独舞 Bask in depravity 沉醉于颓废之境 Let's disturb the peace 让我们打破宁静 Is this how you get your sick kicks? 这就是你获取快感的方式吗? I love it 我很欣赏 Were you the killer who trapped people In a mansion in a classic case of whodunit? 你就是福尔摩斯小说里那位把所有人困在宅子里的杀手? Premeditate murder? 有计划的谋杀? Petting puppies? 喂养小狗? Partake in some good ol' cultic studies? 参与一些传统的异教研究? We have it all here, friend 我们这里应有尽有,朋友 Pick your poison 选一种属于你的毒药 Feel it through your veins and make some noise 感受其沁入血脉,然后尽情发声 Don't worrry about a thing 什么都不用担心 You're in good hands 你会得到很好的照顾 Fostering your darkest demands 滋养黑暗的欲望花蕾 So what do you say? 所以你意下如何? You in, you out? 加入还是退出? The party's on, through acid rain or drought! 喝下鴆毒或乾涸,派對已經開始了! |