“嗨,各位欢迎来到167号影音室,在这里享受电影,欣赏番剧,或是聆听歌曲, 在这里感受思想的交锋碰撞,情感的共振融合,放下烦恼压力,抛去疲惫郁绪, 只此一瞬,放松亦或放纵,只属于你。” “嗨,这里是亚洛斯” “本次,影音室请来了一位特殊的主持人,接下来是他的时间。”
“Hi,Everyone.It's Dave.Um...I'm glad to share songs written for my dad and my friends,I think. As well,introduce my friends...Surely also my love." “About my friends,Roswell and Orlando always knows me the roots.Hoss and I share common interests;Sal.....He is...Um...clam and reticent.About Dean,He is old fashioned and He likes me. Finally,Tyson,He is my brother and my family forever.” "Oh,I'm a bit talkative,sorry,then here the music—— 《Fatherhood》《Goodbye》《What you could have been》." Fatherhood PASSWORD:OST
Civ Valian 宛如八音盒一般的音色,带来童年的回忆,送来对父亲的思念,涌来绵绵的悲伤......
Goodbye PASSWORD:OST Civ Valian 做这一切,就为了这一条不太值得的命,当真相终于浮现时,我已无法向你告别,下一次,下一次,我一定会好好和你告别......
What you could have been PASSWORD:OST
Civ Valian 这一切仍然存在挽救的余地,但我本可以做点什么,但我什么都做不到......
嗨,这里是亚洛斯。本次,特别期影音室,带来的是,俺个人很爱的VN游戏《Password》的游戏内音乐 现在,俺睡觉前最喜欢干的事情,一是看书,二就是重看一些我最喜欢的完结的VN(《Password》排第一) 从第一次接触到现在,不知不觉,俺也许已经完整的看了不下七八遍吧。 (所以,俺单推Tyson一辈子!!!!!!!) 这次分享的是这里面,俺个人最觉得触动心弦的音乐,希望你们也喜欢~ 以上感谢收听,做一个匹诺康尼式的美梦~
FIN “How many times now have we had to say goodbye?How many times have I failed to say it to you?” “不知道,有多少次,我们互道一声再见;也不知道,有多少次,还未说出口已然作别” “What makes things worse is just...... there's at least going to be one more time,and it's going to be the last.” “但没想到,这一次,好不容易说出口的再见,却是,永别。多想......再亲口对你,说一声,再见!” |