本帖最后由 blhking 于 2015-10-8 14:29 编辑
= =玩到最后 帮他刷脸 然后墨镜飞起 变成一堆手抚摸他的脸 最后却突然心破裂= =好像还被扇了耳光…然后他就走了 以后再进游戏也只有地上一个墨镜…不知道到底有没有别的结局,刷脸这里真心不知道怎么操作。去YouTube看了几个视频都是这种结局,然后Google到了疑似作者的blog里面有这一段:
... except you can't make him love you. Suddenly water emerges behind him like a wall, and your hands plunge him backward into the wall of water and hold him there. I mixed 3-4 different drowning sounds from FreeSound.org in order to get the violence I wanted -- the violence of your affection, drowning him as his body thrashes around. The water distortion shader fragments his quivering face and bulging eyes. You basically dream about drowning him.
Then we cut back to reality. The dude is alive and well, staring at you, a little bit shocked as if he saw your dream too. His voice is shaky, "dude, I can't do this anymore, sorry." And he walks away, disappearing from your save game file forever.
……So this is my way of having these two different bodies talk to each other, and also my way of drowning / "killing off" this recurring hunk character that I commissioned from Kris Hammes -- he might make the occasional cameo, but he will never star in my sex games again.
But if I'm killing off this character, what happens to you?
Well, I guess you just stand there alone, in the shower, forever. Where there's intimacy, there's also loneliness.
= =意思似乎是这个结局是故意的 为了表达某种寓意?
(原地址 http://www.blog.radiator.debacle.us/2015/09/rinse-and-repeat.html)