As You Need Tyler Edewards
Produced and Engineered by Jesse Proctor
| Mixed by Neil Hampton
| Mastering by Drew Layne, ALL DIGITAL MASTERING
| Written by Tyler Edwards |
A wiser man would tell you 一个智者会告诉你 how to settle down 如何在困境中找到宁静 when you're stranded in the clouds 尽管你身处云端 A fool would never notice 而傻瓜永远不会意识到 the storm that makes you fly 那勇敢面对风暴的力量 or the lightening in your eyes 那点亮你内心的火焰 But the wheel spins faster now 时光之轮转得更快了 and everything you've known 你所知晓的一切 will soon be left behind 很快就会被抛在身后 When it's all over 当一切都结束时 will you still remember me 你是否还会记得我? As I want 就像我期望的 or as you need 就像你希望的 It's harder now to fake it 如今比起弄虚作假 easier to lie 说谎更加容易 but no one bats an eye 但无人会选择视而不见 The end feels like a spark 结局犹如点点星火 so you guard it with your heart 所以你用心守护 for when you wanna see a light 为了在重逢时燃起火焰 And the world grows harder now 世界变得愈发繁杂 everything before 往事如烟 barely matters anymore 昨日已成历史 When it's all over 当一切都结束时 will you still remember me 你是否还会记得我? As I was 就像我会记得你一样 as you need 就像你所希望那样 When it's all over 当一切都终结时 will you still remember me 你是否还会铭记我? As I want 就像我期望的 as you need 就像你希望的 oh why you leave Oh 你为何离开? Why you leave 你为何离开? |
歌曲: 视频纯香:
嗨,这里是亚洛斯~明天就要高考了,好紧张...... 哦,俺大学都毕业了,没事了~ 俺考运不错,祝愿所有要高考的朋友金榜题名,考试皆顺~ 《As You Need》这首歌相信各位玩过《炉火旁》一定熟悉的不行 (什么?玩过不知道,就是这首,再问自杀) 一场意外的车祸,一段起伏的经历, 两个受伤的灵魂,四个纠葛的感情, 斑斓极光雪原下,相拥一熊一水獭。 “炉火在旁噼啪作响,极光悬空翩然作舞”
以上,感谢各位的收听~ (又及,Tyson,快,照俺脑门狠狠来上一拳,让俺昏到《炉火旁》更新!)