File Name: Skyrim SexLab - Sex Animation Framework v1.60.2 (hotfix 2) - UPDATED Sep 1st 2015 File Submitted: 24 Apr 2013 Requires: SKSE 1.7.3+, FNIS 5.4+, SkyUI 5.0+
----- Changelog ----------------------------------------------------------------
More detailed changelog at http://git.loverslab.../commits/master
v1.60.2 hotfix 2:
Added back in a copy of MfgConsoleFunc and reverted expression functions to use them instead of SKSE's native functions.
Added a message in the MCM strip options to inform you what item you currently have equipped in a slot when you hover it
Added a message in the MCM strip editor to inform you what slot masks an item uses when you hover over it.
Raised the number of possible animations in a single scene from 100 to 125
Fixed an issue with character scale not being reset properly at the start of and during animation.
Fixed an issue with weapons getting re-equipped in the wrong hand after animation.
Fixed an issue with orgasm effects not triggering properly under certain conditions.
Fixed an issue that caused items flagged in the strip editor as always/never strip to not be treated property during stripping.
Fixed an issue with PapyrusUtil 3.0 that sometimes caused CTD during save load
Fixed a bug with aggressive animation selection (thanks to user Random of Amber)
Expanded the install fatal error to be more clear and provide some suggestions.
Some misc performance improvements throughout the MCM and animation startup.
文件名:Skyrim SexLab - Sex Animation Framework v1.60.2 (hotfix 2) - UPDATED Sep 1st 2015
类型:框架 & 源文件
----- 修正记录 ----------------------------------------------------------------
v1.60.2 hotfix 2:
修正了在与PapyrusUtil 3.0 同用时,保存和加载时造成的CTD
修正了强*动画选择错误问题(感谢用户Random of Amber)
----- Basic Installation Procedure ------------------------------------------
After properly installing both SKSE and FNIS above, follow these steps. - Download the latest Framework Pack & extract it's content into your Skyrim's data folder
- Navigate to your Skyrim's data/tools/GenerateFNIS_for_Users folder and run the GenerateFNISforUsers.exe utility.
- If you have a custom animation skeleton installed (very likely) make sure you check the "Skeleton arm fix" patch.
- Click the big button that reads "Update FNIS Behavior"
- You should see a line that says "Reading SexLab ..." if not you've done something wrong.
- Activate the SexLab.esm file in your list of active mods.
- Load or start a new save game in Skyrim and navigate to the Mod Configuration menu titled "SexLab"
- Check that you meet the requirements on the left pane and then click the Install option in the top right.
- Close all menus and stand still until the install finishes, it can take a few minutes.
- In order to start an animation, find and install a SexLab mod of your choice from http://www.loverslab...xlab-framework/
----- Basic Update Procedure -------------------------------------------------
- Download the latest full framework archive, if you are using a version older than 1.60, you will need the full archive, otherwise you will only need the update patch.
- Extract the updated framework/patch into your Skyrim's data folder, or if using Mod Organizer (like you should be) then merge the files ontop of an existing MO mod install for SexLab Framework.
- (optional, but recommended for safest upgrade) Disable ALL SexLab related mods except for SexLab.esm and any that are absolutely required or disabling will mean losing progress on in some way.
- Navigate to your Skyrim's data/tools/GenerateFNIS_for_Users folder and run the GenerateFNISforUsers.exe utility.
- If you have a custom animation skeleton installed (if you dont, you should) make sure you check the "Skeleton arm fix" patch.
- Click the big button that reads "Update FNIS Behavior"
- You should see a line that says "Reading SexLab ..." if not you've done something wrong.
- Load your save game and you should see a notification that SexLab is updating and/or installing, it will then go through the update process.
- If you were using a version of SexLab such as 1.59c or older, you will not get this notification and will instead need to go into the SexLab MCM and click the Install button.
- Wait 1-2 minutes, until you see a notification that says SexLab has finished updating and/or installing
- Wait another 30 seconds or so and then perform a quick test animation either via the SexLab MatchMaker mod or by starting one via the animation editor.
- Assuming the test animation was successful, save your game with the update now fully applied, you should see the appropriate version number listed on the last page of the SexLab MCM.
- (optional, but recommended for safest upgrade) if you followed step 3, you should now reinstall all the SexLab mods you disabled, ensuring you are using the latest version of each. For best results reinstall them one at a time and make sure they are functional with the new version of SexLab before reinstalling the next one.
----- 基本安装 ------------------------------------------
在完成安装SKSE和FINS后,遵循以下步骤 - 下载最新版本的框架并释放到数据文件夹中
- 进入data/tools/GenerateFNIS_for_Users文件夹并启动GenerateFNISforUsers.exe程序
- 如果你安装了自定义种族的骨骼文件,请确认勾选 "Skeleton arm fix"补丁
- 点击按钮 "Update FNIS Behavior"
- 你如果没有看到数据框里提示 "Reading SexLab ...",那么肯定是哪里操作错了
- 在mods栏里勾选SexLab.esm文件
- 加载或开始新游戏,在插件菜单里找到标题为"SexLab"的选项
- 检查是否满足左边栏目里的前置插件,然后点击在右上方的安装选项
- 关闭所有菜单栏,在安装完成前保持站立,这将花费一小会时间
- 为了保证你能开始一段动画,找到并安装一个SexLab mod,你可以在http://www.loverslab...xlab-framework/里选择。
----- 基本升级 -------------------------------------------------
- 下载最新版本的框架,如果你使用的版本比1.60还要老, 你必须下载全文件而不是升级文件
- 将全文件/升级文件释放到数据文件夹中,如果你使用MO安装,取消勾选(或删除)旧文件,勾选新文件即可
- (可选的,但是建议你这么做使得升级更安全) 禁用除了SexLab.esm外使用框架的程序。
- 进入data/tools/GenerateFNIS_for_Users文件夹并启动GenerateFNISforUsers.exe程序
- 如果你安装了自定义种族的骨骼文件,请确认勾选 "Skeleton arm fix"补丁
- 点击按钮 "Update FNIS Behavior"
- 你如果没有看到数据框里提示 "Reading SexLab ...",那么肯定是哪里操作错了
- 加载或开始新游戏,如果左上角通知会显示安装/升级信息,那么说明程序正在安装/升级
- 如果你的版本比1.59c还要老,那么不会显示信息,你需要进入MCM菜单中点击安装按钮。
- 等待1-2分钟直到安装完成
- 再等30秒后进行快速测试,使用SexLab MatchMaker mod 或者动画编辑器。
- 如果动画测试成功了,那么你就可以保存加载有SexLab全文件/升级补丁的存档。你可以在MCM菜单的最后一页上看到版本号。
- (可选的,但是建议你这么做使得升级更安全)i如果你遵循了步骤3,在成功安装了框架后,你需要重新安装一遍你禁用的MOD。最好确保你安装的MOD版本是最新的,这样才能体现框架的新版本功能
----- Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------- - FNIS Creature Pack version 5.2 or newer is required only if you want creature animation support in SexLab, otherwise it is not required.
- If you get a warning in game about not having 5.2 installed despite having installed it. You have without exception, installed it incorrectly. You can either ignore the warning and keep using SexLab like normal if everything working anyway, or do the smart thing and figure out what's wrong with your FNIS install so the warning will leave you alone.
SkyUI REQUIRES VERSION 5.0 OR NEWER- If you dislike SkyUI for some reason, you can also install SkyUI-Away on top of it.
An actor skeleton mod such as XPMSE2 or XPMSE3
- This is not a hard requirement and can be skipped, it has been known to fix some problems people have had related to SexLab however and there is little to no reason to not be using them anyway.
- If you choose to not use the Unofficial Patches for whatever reason, expect to be browbeat about not having them when posting your load order in the troubleshooting section.
----- 汉化截图-------------------------------------------------------------
----- 前置分流-------------------------------------------------------------
SKSE 1.7.3 分流
SkyUI v5.1 汉化原帖 分流
FINS v5.5 N网原址 分流
----- 必须提到的问题-------------------------------------------------------
Skyrim SexLab - Sex Animation Framework (hotfix 2) v1.60.2简体汉化下载地址:请点击我