East of Eden
by Zella Day
Pink toes pressed against the carpet
Show your face and finish what you started
The record spins down the alley, late night
Be my friend, surround me like a satellite
Tiger on the prowl
East of Eden
Coming for you now
Keep me from the cages under the control
Running in the dark to find East of Eden
Keep me from the cages under the control
Running in the dark to find East of Eden
Find East of Eden (Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-oh)
To find East of Eden (Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-oh)
To find East of Eden (Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-oh)
To find East of Eden (Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-oh)
Call me wild, drinking up the sunshine
Be my man and show me what it feels like
Denim sky unbuttoned down the middle
Spilling out little by little
Tiger on the prowl
East of Eden
Coming for you now
Keep me from the cages under the control
Running in the dark to find East of Eden
Keep me from the cages under the control
Running in the dark to find East of Eden
Find East of Eden (Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-oh)
To find East of Eden (Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-oh)
To find East of Eden (Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-oh)
To find East of Eden (Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-oh)
If I wanted to stay
You don't mind, you're a true believer
Take it up with the badlands
Creep on in like the concrete fever
If I wanted to stay
You don't mind, you're a true believer
Take it up with the badlands
Creep on in like the concrete fever
Keep me from the cages under the control
Running in the dark to find East of Eden
Keep me from the cages under the control
Running in the dark to find East of Eden
Find East of Eden (Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-oh)
To find East of Eden (Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-oh)
To find East of Eden (Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-oh)
To find East of Eden (Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-oh)
抽签抽到的后两个主题【摇滚】和【爵士】平时基本没什么接触,尤其是【爵士】,咱好像一首都没听过。。。根本不知道怎么能够同时满足两种曲风并且歌词里还要有【东】字 ,甚至请教GPT也没有给出符合条件的歌曲 。所以后来就准备放弃其中一种曲风,只找里面有【东】字的歌。确实在GPT的帮助下找到了,但是要么太难唱(摇滚完全喊不上去),要么就是太老或者太偏门根本找不到伴奏![](static/image/smiley/comcom/26.gif)
最后的结果就是只能保底找下有【东】字的歌拿个勋章算了,咱首先想到的就是【东方红】哈哈,但是试唱了一下发现真的不太适合咱。。。然后平时常听的歌里面也没有想起来哪首里面有【东】字的,这件事就一直给拖延下来了,然后就给忘了哈哈 。直到刚刚来论坛积分抽奖才突然想起来还有这个活动,赶紧网易云翻出来直接搜索【东】和【East】,跳出来的第一首就是这个【East of Eden】,听了下好像还行,急急忙忙练了几下就上传了,甚至还有唱错词的地方,大家见谅呃![](static/image/smiley/comcom/7.gif)
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