- import os
- import re
- from docx import Document
- from openpyxl import load_workbook
- # 统计中文、英文、日文字符的函数
- def count_characters(text):
- # 去掉不可见字符,例如换行符、空格等
- text = re.sub(r'\s', '', text) # 移除所有空白字符,包括空格、换行符、制表符等
- # 改进的正则表达式,只匹配平假名和片假名
- chinese_count = len(re.findall(r'[\u4e00-\u9fff]', text))
- english_count = len(re.findall(r'[a-zA-Z]', text))
- japanese_count = len(re.findall(r'[\u3040-\u309f\u30a0-\u30ff]', text)) # 平假名和片假名
- return chinese_count, english_count, japanese_count
- # 处理 Word 文档
- def process_word(file_path):
- chinese_total = english_total = japanese_total = 0
- try:
- doc = Document(file_path)
- for para in doc.paragraphs:
- chinese, english, japanese = count_characters(para.text)
- chinese_total += chinese
- english_total += english
- japanese_total += japanese
- except Exception as e:
- print(f"Error processing Word file {file_path}: {e}")
- return chinese_total, english_total, japanese_total
- # 处理 Excel 表格
- def process_excel(file_path):
- chinese_total = english_total = japanese_total = 0
- try:
- workbook = load_workbook(file_path, read_only=True)
- for sheet in workbook.worksheets:
- for row in sheet.iter_rows(values_only=True):
- for cell in row:
- if cell is not None:
- chinese, english, japanese = count_characters(str(cell))
- chinese_total += chinese
- english_total += english
- japanese_total += japanese
- except Exception as e:
- print(f"Error processing Excel file {file_path}: {e}")
- return chinese_total, english_total, japanese_total
- # 处理 TXT 文件
- def process_txt(file_path):
- chinese_total = english_total = japanese_total = 0
- try:
- with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
- content = file.read()
- chinese, english, japanese = count_characters(content)
- chinese_total += chinese
- english_total += english
- japanese_total += japanese
- except Exception as e:
- print(f"Error processing TXT file {file_path}: {e}")
- return chinese_total, english_total, japanese_total
- # 遍历文件夹并统计字符数(包括递归子文件夹)
- def process_folder(folder_path):
- total_chinese = total_english = total_japanese = 0
- # 使用 os.walk 递归遍历所有子文件夹及文件
- for root, _, files in os.walk(folder_path):
- for file in files:
- file_path = os.path.join(root, file)
- # 只处理指定类型的文件
- if file.endswith('.docx'):
- print(f"Processing Word file: {file_path}")
- chinese, english, japanese = process_word(file_path)
- total_chinese += chinese
- total_english += english
- total_japanese += japanese
- elif file.endswith('.xlsx'):
- print(f"Processing Excel file: {file_path}")
- chinese, english, japanese = process_excel(file_path)
- total_chinese += chinese
- total_english += english
- total_japanese += japanese
- elif file.endswith('.txt'):
- print(f"Processing TXT file: {file_path}")
- chinese, english, japanese = process_txt(file_path)
- total_chinese += chinese
- total_english += english
- total_japanese += japanese
- # 输出统计结果
- print("\nFinal Character Count:")
- print(f"Total Chinese characters: {total_chinese}")
- print(f"Total English characters: {total_english}")
- print(f"Total Japanese characters: {total_japanese}")
- # 主函数入口
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- folder_path = input("Enter the folder path: ")
- folder_path = folder_path.strip() # 去除输入路径中的多余空格
- if not os.path.exists(folder_path):
- print(f"Error: The folder path '{folder_path}' does not exist.")
- else:
- process_folder(folder_path)
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