在开始分享音乐之前,先简单介绍一下本帖的主角——Au5。 Au5在2010年开始发布他的作品,是一位经验丰富的制作人,他的作品以出色的音色设计和极具情感的旋律著称,同时他也是transtep风格的代表人。此外,Au5在b站也有账号(“Au5官方账号”),他本人还会戴鼻环出镜( 不过还是让我们把注意力放在他的音乐上吧(因为他的音乐真的太豪庭了))),接下来分享一些我喜欢的他的作品。 1.Homesick(feat. SOUNDR)(Au5 Remix) 作者:Au5/MiTiS/SOUNDR 专辑:Lost(Deluxe)
- 歌词:
- I can always tell when you're lonely
- The way your voice gets sweeter when you want me
- It's so obvious that I want you too
- It's like I feel it worse when I'm sleepin'
- In a strange place with you when I'm dreamin'
- Wishin' I could wake up and be next to you
- When the phone calls ain't enough to get through this
- When you need to feel my love
- You can pack up a suitcase
- And hop on an airplane
- Whenever your sunshine turns to rain
- When you're feelin' homesick
- You know where my heart is
- I'm only a thousand, thousand, thousand miles away
- When you're feelin' homesick
- You know where my heart is
- I'm only a thousand miles away
- We can find a way through the distance
- Make it work, let's speak it to existence
- While we both look up into a diamond sky
- So hard keep all of the pieces
- So easy to forget the reasons
- But you and me are worth it all
- When the phone calls ain't enough to get through this
- When you need to feel my love
- You can pack up a suitcase
- And hop on an airplane
- Whenever your sunshine turns to rain
- When you're feelin' homesick
- You know where my heart is
- I'm only a thousand miles away
- Home, home
- Home, home
- Home, home
- I'm only a thousand miles away
- So pack up the suitcase
- And hop on that airplane
- 'Cause, baby, it's lonely in LA
- I'm feelin' homesick
- And you're where my heart is
- I'm only a thousand, thousand, thousand miles away
- You can pack up a suitcase
- And hop on an airplane
- Whenever your sunshine turns to rain
- When you're feelin' homesick
- You know where my heart is
- I'm only a thousand, thousand, thousand miles away
这里就不搬运歌词的翻译了,欢迎大家去音乐平台收听 推荐理由:如果说原版是深夜情感极致的迸发,书信两头互相安抚对家的思念,这版Remix就是拎起行李狂踩油门在沥青路上奔驰,是耀阳之下与久别恋人的相拥。build up和drop段都使用了大调上行的点缀音,会有一种很强的信念感。鼓组的编排也是极具律动感。听到这首歌会有一种一切都会好起来的想法。总的来说,这首remix演绎出了比原版更阳光的情感,更能鼓舞人心。 2.The Other Side 作者:Au5/Chime 专辑:The Other Side 发行日期:2023-1-19
推荐理由:前一首歌是情绪的外放,这一首歌则是花哨到了极致,是前面所讲的音色设计的天堂。这首The Other Side是Au5和Chime的合作,两位都是Color Bass音乐的知名制作人,此前二人合作过《Voidwalkers》,同样也是color bass风格的作品。 这次的合作,听着听着脑海里就遨游到了外太空,intro仿佛时空穿梭的机器发动,直接穿越到第二位面进入The other side,评论区更是直呼我的两位爹() 总之,这首歌是有非常爽的音色轰炸,极具张力的编排,爽就完事了() 3.Empty Space 作者:Au5/Laura Brehm/Evoke 专辑:Empty Space 发行日期:2024-4-26
- A call in the silent air
- A maze in a memory
- A drop in a waterfall
- Oasis of imagery
- This one moment
- Is forever
- Full of beauty
- In a sea of empty space
- The sun in the winter air
- A rise in the melody
- A breath of infinity
- An island of reverie
- This one moment
- Is forever
- Full of beauty
- In a sea of empty space
- We are real
- We are here
- We are real
- We are here in empty space
- In a sea
- In a sea
- In a sea of empty space
- In a sea of empty space
- Of empty space, space, space, space (Of empty space)
- Space, space, space (Of empty space)
推荐理由:不得不说,金五实在是太会写旋律了()这首歌给人的感觉完全不同于前两首,从开头的钢琴就能感受出来,这首歌携带的情绪是相对内敛的,像是一种优美的感伤,还有一种漂浮在无尽太空的冷寂感,也照应了歌名Empty Space。这首歌的歌词也相当有诗意,使用了比较多的短句。当然,人声也是这首歌很重要的一部分,劳拉空灵的vocal十分契合这首歌,配上Evoke的清新男声,营造出飘渺的氛围感。不过整曲最勾魂的还是钢琴,无论是在开头结尾还是中间。 4.Catharsis 作者:Au5/Skybreak 专辑:Catharsis 发行日期:2023-12-15
- We grew up through the same harsh winters under the same grey skies
- But one day you saw something behind the ice
- And found something to believe in
- A lifelong search for meaning
- To guide you through the seasons
- Something I can’t see
- And I thought that ice cold cynicism could pull me through the dark
- But what does it all matter if I’ve lost touch with my heart?
- Lost touch with my heart
- When we grew old
- I told you about my nihilistic thoughts
- And asked how you escaped unharmed
- And you said:
- “I found something to believe in
- We dream this world for a reason
- So trust within your feelings
- Can’t you see the light?”
- Can’t you see the light, the light, the light?
- And you know that ice cold cynicism can’t guide you through the darkness
- But I hope you find catharsis
- With the fire in your heart
- Until we depart, it’s a question mark
- But we’re both here
- And it’s so clear that we may not see the same divinity
- But you still inspire me
推荐理由:我的两位爹(?) 这首的情绪是那种又嗨又感动的感觉,去年初听到这首歌的时候,那时我还是第一次体验下雪的冬天,冷色调的封面就有一种置于冰雪之中的感觉,但歌给人的感觉就是打开窗户面对温暖的阳光,雪地和天空亮得让人睁不开眼。这首歌走马灯的感觉比Empty Space会更强烈,主要是因为恰巧在十二月发行,临近我的生日和一年的末尾,所以听的时候经常会联想一年以来的经历,平凡中带着感动,一些遗憾,和对未来的期许。这首歌的编排则弱炫技了许多,更注重于旋律和歌词,但开头还是一样引人入胜,人声也有很强的叙说感。总之,把这首歌作为压轴,最合适不过了。 全帖总结 以上是四首我非常喜欢的来自Au5的作品,我与它们曾经产生了强烈的情感共鸣,而这些共鸣变成了回忆,成为了我灵魂的一部分,这也是我想分享给大家的原因。请大家多多关注Au5谢谢喵 WrittenBy 刃龙星 (有些专辑的图片大小太大了上传不了,等我先研究下怎么压缩图片大小再补充吧