The memories don't fade, surprisin' fate for days
记忆常驻不消逝 命运令人啧啧称奇
You're elegantly wasted
Before you lost your spot to go sit in the park
We're livin' in a basement
如今 我们蜗居于这狭仄的地下室
Now is it strange I can't connect?
无法与你建立联系 是否有些奇怪
It isn't strange, but I could check
并不奇怪 但我仍忍不住去探寻
Walked around to where we kept the box of wax, and lately
徘徊在曾经存放蜡像的角落 思绪蔓延至近来
I know once it's lost it's never found
我深知遗失即是永别 无法寻回
I need it now
The greed is buried in the ground
Hopelessly dyin'
已然枯竭 毫无生机
I read the park in runes, as Amsterdam unspooled
我解读着公园里留下的古老符文 如同阅览阿姆斯特丹的历史
And trucks sped on the Federal
The things we used to see, the sand hogs in the street
昔日的景象历历在目 街道上横行霸道的沙滩车
The chickens in her bedroom
Now is it strange I can't connect?
如今无法与你心意相通 是否有些许怪异
It isn't strange, but I could check
也并非奇怪 只是忍不住想要试探
Walked around to where we met the first time, overwhelmed, and
回到初次相遇的地方 思绪翻涌 难以平静
I know once it's lost it's never found
我深知遗失即是永别 无法寻回
I need it now
The greed is buried in the ground
Hopelessly dyin'
已然枯竭 毫无生机
I know once it's lost it's never found
我深知遗失即是永别 无法寻回
I need it now
The greed is buried in the ground
Hopelessly dyin'
已然枯竭 毫无生机
A country asked in June, it's happenin' too soon
六月 稚嫩的国家期盼着变革 一切都来得太快
Your book of Revelations
We cannot make the bed, we used the chair instead
我们无法再像从前一样整理床铺 只能将就着椅子休息
Called it a vacation