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[MOD] 模拟人生4大学生活

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    Do you want to go to university? If you do wantto, download the University mod!

    This adds three majors to the game, each withtheir own unique goals. The majors are: Physical Education, Fine Arts andMusic!


    Get To Work and version 1.9.80 of the game.
    需要 游戏 来去上班1.9.80以上版本


    Add three new venues, PhysicalEducation Building,Fine ArtsBuilding, and Music Building.
    Adds a new object: Podium

    Adds two interactions, Streaking and AskingQuestions
    A challenging grade system where gettinghigher grades requires actual effort and many sleepless nights.
    If you pass your major, you get qualificationsthat allows you to start in level 4 of the career your major allows!

    Downloading Lots From The Gallery
    (From Zerbu)
    Sometimes, when downloading a lot from thegallery, the game won
    automatically register it to the career eventssystem. After downloading a work lot from the gallery or placing one from yourlibrary,set the lot type to something random, exit build mode, enter build modeagain then
    set the lot type to the correct type. If thisis your first time using the mod, I strongly suggest saving before sending aSim to work for

    the first time, just to make sure you didn
    make any mistakes.


    I strongly suggest to disable aging as whenyour sims go to university as in The Sims 3, they didn't age. You shouldre-enable it after they
    graduate though.

    University Days

    Activity Days - These are the days where yoursims do things that train them for the real world: Working out for PhysicalEducation, painting
    and woodworking for Fine Arts, and playinginstruments for Music! These take place on Monday and Wednesday.

    Lecture Days - These are the days where yoursims learn from their hopefully awesome professor! Goals for these day involveWatching the Lecture
    and Asking Questions. These take place onTuesday and Thursday.

    Presentation Day - This is the day where yoursim gives a presentation to their class! Note: If your sim doesn't study forthe presentation day,

    he or she will lose a lot of performance,likewise, if your sim studies before it, they'll get a huge boost to theirgrade!

    Special Days

    First Day - This is the day where you get toknow your classmates!

    Graduation Day - This is the last day, sayyour goodbyes to your friends and enemies on this day. After this your sim getstheir
    qualifications to start at level 4 of theirdream job! This takes place on Day 20 of your sim's university major.

    Studying Your Topics

    One of the most important things to do inUniversity is to study. To actually study, purchase the University Suppliesfrom the Build Catalog
    and study to your heart's content! Warningike real life, studying takes a loong time, and takes about- I think fourhours, so your sim will have
    many sleepless nights in their quest for thehighest grade! If they don't study, even if they perform well in their tasks atthe University,

    they'll get worse and worse grades.
    So please, make your sims study!


    As with any mod, there may be bugs. I'vetested it pretty thoroughly and have sent it out for testing for the past fewdays and nobody has
    reported any show-stopping bugs, so I havedeclared the mod safe for public consumption.
    (From Zerbu again, but altered.)
    If you discover any bugs, please report them.Please include which major and grade you
    e playing, as it willmake it 100x easier to find the


    For those who don't have turbo careers
    If you have a previous Zerbu- Venue List mod,remove it and install in the modified Zerbu - Venue List Mod. Install the restof the files
    normally. DO NOT UNZIP THE
    [url=]zip[/url] INSIDE THE ZIP.

    For those with Turbo Careers, download thelatest version that separates career overrides and the main mod. Remove Zerbu -Turbo Careers Mod
    Pack - Career Overrides and instead installModified Zerbu - Turbo Careers Mod Pack - Career Overrides instead. If you havea previous Zerbu-

    Venue List mod, remove it and install themodified Zerbu - Venue List Mod. Install the rest of the files normally. DO NOTUNZIP THE
    [url=]zip[/url] INSIDE THE ZIP.

    Lot Requirements

    Requirements for all majors
    A podium and a classroom.
    Bathroom for your sims bladders!
    A cafeteria

    Requirements for Physical Education Building
    At least 9 workout equipment and a swimmingpool

    Requirements for Music Building
    At least 11 instruments

    Requirements for Fine Arts Building
    At least 11 easels, preferably only onewoodworking table as sims currently don't use them autonomously.
    Art to view and critique


    Additional Credits:
    Kaspookaboo for creating a university which Iultimately didn't use in the final version.
    Zerbu for helping me out.
    Scumbumbo for his adding to the sim affordancelist tutorial, his adding to the social mixer list python tutorial and help.
    TheSimKid for his The Sims 4 Ultimate GameIcon Pack
    Mod Workshop
    Sims Universe for providing The Sims 4 LogoFont
    Everyone who tested this mod and gavefeedback.
    No thanks to the people who did test this modand didn't give feedback.


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    参与人数 1金币 +1 收起 理由
    bbbb45676 + 1 感謝分享資訊>




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