注意事项: 1、mod已经经过我的排查,理论上不会存在冲突导致进不了游戏,如果还是报错,那么请使用Script Merger进行脚本合并,具体参考这个帖子https://bbs.3dmgame.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=5226447 2、其实有部分mod并没有生效,例如去除装备等级限制...但我换了很多个版本还是没有用所以放弃了,不知道是不是我游戏的问题
5、没有时间打牌的mod安装说明如下 Installation Step 1: Download the archive and extract its content to the 'mods' folder of the Witcher 3 game. If the 'mods' folder does not exist, create it. Step 2: Go to the Witcher 3 folder inside your Documents (My Documents) folder and open the input.settings file with a text editor, such as Notepad. Just below the line that contains the text [EMPTY_CONTEXT] add the this line: IK_N=(Action=NoTimeForGwent). You should end up having this somewhere in your input.settings file: [EMPTY_CONTEXT] IK_N=(Action=NoTimeForGwent)
翻译一下就是下载mod放入mods文件夹,然后在c盘/系统盘 我的文档中打开巫师3的文档文件夹,用记事本打开input.settings,在[EMPTY_CONTEXT]标题下加入一行IK_N=(Action=NoTimeForGwent) 效果为 [EMPTY_CONTEXT] IK_N=(Action=NoTimeForGwent)