Flacc1d with Holster ver for Barry default costume (episodes 1 to episodes 3)
Er3ct with Holster ver for Barry Ep4 of default costume (Story Mode Ep4 only)
Er3ct ver for Barry classic costume
N--- Chris replace Barry DLC costume (1P) - lazy to change the voice file.
Chris as 1P "I'll find my sister back" is playable on Barry's Story.
N--- Chris replace Natalia DLC costume (2P) - includes modified Natalia's mot and voice.
Chris as 2P "The Two Daddys" is playable on Barry's Story.
N--- Chris replace Claire DLC costume (1P) - includes modified the voice.
Blonde Claire replace Moira DLC costume (2P)
Chris as 1P & Claire as 2P "The N---- Redfields" is playable on Claire's Story.